- host 1: SeaBass
- host 2: Norm
- yunk: Flake Boy
- tickers(til 10): Snake
- producer: Fernando
10 – Noon:
- host: The Great Donovan (Whooo!)
- tickers (til 3): Sturminator
Noon to 3:
- host 1: Jah
- host 2: Big Mac
- yunk: Big Dick Phillips
- producer: The Black Cloud
- host 1: The Old Gray Wolf
- host 2: The Not-So Great Gordo (I call FIX)
- tickers: Junior
- producer: Big Fall Frodo
* host 1: SeaBass
* host 2: Norm
* yunk: Flake Boy
* tickers(til 10): Snake
* producer: Fernando <<<<>
Mike Fernando does nothing for the station, Never show is face in public, acts like an ass to the P 1’s when they call in, he lets the same George from North Dallas on every Monday….. I’m getting tired of the same show everyday after day……
Agreed on Fernando. I’ve always thought he probably just has to deal with sooo many idiots calling in, he’s become the jerkoff he is today. But even the biggest of jerks have good days, yet, every single time I’ve called in, even with very good points, he’ll tell you to go F yourself in so many words.
Vaginal Slice Born Born can get through but yet someone with a sports points can’t get in.
Looking forward to white elephant day.
Am I alone in wanting Rhynes and Sturm to swap slots just so it can all be totally mixed up?
i think the rhynes / gordon slot was the best. junior is genius on his tickers
[…] It’s that time of year. The White Elephant day on The Ticket. Here’s the White Elephant lineup. […]
Gordon’s tickers were the best that one year. Especially the one where he kept going on and on