Holy cow, this audio made both Mike Sirois and myself fall out of our respective chairs upon hearing it. Bob was vividly describing the experience surrounding his first time riding something or another, and when Gordon decided he’d heard enough, he whipped out the dynamite and blew the segment to high holy. Enjoy!
PS – Hope y’all like the new MP3 cover flow graphics. Should work for all iDevices.
Please post the segment right after this one where they talk about twitter. Good clean segment that ends with Gordo doing a Bob impression that sent me to the floor I was laughing so hard…
So great. Cheese boxing FTW!
Love the work you guys do and am a P1 of your site. But could you guys maybe step your game up a little and post more stuff from each day? Almost 14 hours of broadcasting in a day and only 2 or 3 things posted?
you’re right! wtf have we been doing with ourselves not keeping up and posting every single minute of the ticket all day! fuck us.
in other news, have you looked in the ‘audio files’ section? a lot of audio in there fer sure.
Wow, comments like this really motivate us to look through every single ticker from yesterday, carefully splice together teases and actual content, take time to properly fade audio in and out so it doesn’t blow out your speakers, label everything with ID3 tags, and then scour the internet looking for a riskee but not offensive image that is apropos of the post.
You’re welcome, I guess?