What’s your thought on the different shows today?
Here’s my take on the day so far…
- Morning Show – Corby/Sturm – this was really a sleeper today. The group just didn’t go well together. Poor Ty Walker really had no chance during his segments because Bob & Corby just walked all over him. He would start his segment and just be de-railed by Bob & Corby. The funniest part of the show was Ty Walker telling us about online dating. Couldn’t even tell you who did the tickers! Grubes had his moments but I think he was sleeping through the show due to being bored.
- Norm Show – Dan/Danny – this was more entertaining than I thought. I watched this one on webcam and was really amused by Danny and his nervous habits. When he started talking, he had this weird twitch in his right arm, almost like he was psychologically playing a guitar while talking. Made me wonder if he’s been playing music so long it’s like an old man habit. Then I realized he reminds me of Rhynes and his quirky habits while talking. Dan filled the enco up with plenty of audio while reading the Perkin Merkin’s account of banging Tiger. Grubes definitely woke up during this slot and got creative on the webcam asking if we liked this gig. Donovan did the tickers and while at first it seemed forced, he really had me cracking up.
- BaD Show – Rhynes / Junior – this is one I had high hopes for. It’s been decent. Rhyner hasn’t been as goofy as he usually is on White Elephant day. Overall, though, it’s been good listening and Dick Hicks had some good stuff. I think the winner of “funny” for this shift is Donovan when he goes “out of socket” and tells Tiger to ditch the white prize and go for a ‘sista’.
- Hardline Show – Norm / George – A nice way to end the day. The Great Gordo just makes everything better. His tickers have not talked sports at all, just read Ty Walker’s Match.com profile and cried through a couple. The live spots he pops on as a character to help sell it. Norm & George are good together and interesting to listen to. Another funny spot was when Gordo started the “muser mumbles” and Norm ended the segment with his own mumble. What’s great is watching it on the webcam and when Norm is deep into conversation and Gordo drops in a muser mumble, Norm just stops down and starts giggling. Then the yelling microphone was hilarious too. Good stuff.
I have lots of audio but need to sift through to figure out what’s worth posting.
Gordo has been PURE genius.
I hereby request all gordo tickers.
gordo tickers are definitely on the plate to be served. Just need to go through all the audio and grab ’em.
You have to post Gordo reading Ty’s Match.com profile. I missed that one and it sounds like audio gold.
If you have the dramatic reading between Rhynes and Dick Hicks, please post! My favorite moment of the day…and the funnies thing Rich Phillips has ever done.
I liked Dan and Danny alot. Danny has been great..the more Dannny the better. Gordon was the highlight of the day for sure. I agree that Ty kind of got stepped on by Bob and Corby. I did think Bob and Corby had a good chemistry though. Anytime you have Gordo going crazy like today then you have fun times. Thank you Gordon for making White Elephant Day amazing.
Gordo was great, as always. Do you ever think of posting Muse in the News, the O-Deck, or the Corner?
Your analysis of today’s fun is spot on. I’d only add that I thought Bob and Corby talking about Tiger this morning was hilarious, as Corby devolved more and more into abrasive mode while Bob rode along for the ride.
Gordo was great, the tickers were great and slightly off mic yelling man cracked me up every time. Norm/George/Gordo were the best.
Gordo’s tickers were undeniably the highlight of the wife swap elephant.
I, too, have slept with Tiger Woods.
I really liked White Elephant Day yesterday. The sheer amount of drops during normal segments had me laughing at the office! I can’t remember a favorite part, but I like anything with Gordo in it. I thought there was great chemistry throughout the day.
Hell I’d host the entire day’s audio if you’d like. I have tons of spare bandwidth.
Did any of you listening online notice that every other segment during Rhynes & Miller was missing? There would be a segment, then a ticker, then 10 minutes of commercials, then a ticker, then another segment. Really strange, but it’s happened a few times before.
DP let me know if you need a hand cutting up the audio.
football footbaLL footBALL FOOTBALL FOOTball FOotball football….
“Hell I’d host the entire day’s audio if you’d like. I have tons of spare bandwidth.”
Robin, that would be so awesome
@Robin – Unfortunately I didn’t record the whole day. I wish the ticket would put up archives of their previous shows sometimes. It’d be so good for traffic to their site if they offered it. Lots of ad dollars left on the table with them.
@John in Plano – WELL I DON’T!! heh. Yeah, I often record the Gordo segments but for the little I do keep up with, it’s pretty time consuming. I have my job and family that take up most of my time, so it’s rough to grab and post all the segments. There’s lots more than just those, too.
With that said, if anyone ever wants to help grab audio and publish it, your help is always welcome!
The dramatic reading between Rhynes and Dick Hicks was Epic…Please post that!!! Do It !! Do It!!
@Fat Joe – I thought you left atlantic? the “Rhynes Dick” dramatic reading is coming up.
The owner of unticket should contact me. I have about a terabyte of bandwidth a year and I never use it. I love the recordings!
@Robin – you say a “terabyte of bandwidth” ?? You mean traffic, right? Because I have limitless bandwidth, it’s actual hard drive space that is the issue. I’ve been looking for something like a youtube that accepts large audio files longer than 10 minutes. Seem most have the limit of 10 minutes, which kills a lot of these segments.
Doanwanna poopoo: I’ve got about 250 gig of hard drive space on my host. I’m not sure how you podcast on your blog but on mine when I podcast I just point to my file server.
Could you please post the montage of Norma rants that they played during the 3-7 show. Thanks.