Not sure if you guys caught his post Gordon made last night, but it was taken down for some reason. Maybe WFAA didn’t want him promoting it or something, but great news.
The Gordon Keith Show is moving to prime time next Tuesday night, June 3, 7:00pm. That’s awesome. If you are like me and try to watch it at 11:52 on Saturday nights, or whenever it comes on, it’s next to impossible if you try and tivo it, let alone watch it. Sometimes it doesn’t even come on.
If you haven’t watched a GK Show, do yourself a favor and give it a watch. It’s a great show and I’m eager to see him fill an hour now. Maybe he won’t have to cut people off so quick like he did the great Troy Aikman (very uncomfortable).
Here’s a link to the GK Show blog. They have links to all the episodes on WFAA if you missed one or just want to watch one.
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