The P1 from Austin who caused a stir with his montage of Muser Mumblings contacted me and supplied me with a cleaner version of that, and his original and recut versions of “We Will Rock You”.
The song originally had to be redone due to Greggo drops being on it.
Huge “Thanks!” to Geoff for the greatness. Keep ’em coming. You always have a voice here.
Here’s the cleaner version of the montage:
This is the original version of “We Will Rock You” mix (with Greggo drops):
Then with Greggo cut out, here’s the re-cut version of “We Will Rock You” (without Greggo):
Nice work, Geoff. Look forward to more — also to the guy who said he’s going to record the Concert Calendar. Love that segment but I’m never by the radio when they run it.
Iiii dunno, it still sounds like “biverbal sex” instead of “I have herbal sex” to me.
Apparently I suffer from the same mental addition that Geoff does (in that I obsessively record the Ticket). If you’d like the concert calendar, I could probably round up the last dozen or so for you and upload them.
Also .. Geoff wins my hero-of-the-month award.
Great stuff!
ap, hit me with an email –
Heck yea, any uploading of any CC segments, I’m definitely on board with.