Ok, I’m seriously going to try and keep this thing going. But for that to happen, we need to lay a couple of ground rules, just to make our lives easier. Following these rules will really, really increase your chances of getting the premium golden ticket audio content that you so lust after inserted into your warm ear canals.
- We need the date and time of the requested audio. I have enough trouble remembering what comes after the Musers and before BaD Radio. Throw us a bone if you don’t remember the exact date – i.e. “It was after GNG, or before the E-News where Rhynes’s colostomy bag exploded all over the microphone”
- It’s gotta be funny or worthwhile to people other than just you – for example, the interview that Norm did about the Aggie/Longhorn/HornFrog/Sooner third-string running back that you want to hear because you went to that college is not worthy audio
- We generally don’t re-post sports segments unless there’s a meltdown or E-brake
- Ask for one specific thing – for example, requesting all community-quick-hits for the last, oh, six months or so is not cool. Use our audio files/archive pages for your show or segment.
- Birthday shout-outs on WTDS, not so much — However, if you’re willing to share the pictures that you sent to the Hardline with us, we can negotiate…
- Absolutely, positively no raceweek.
Failure to adhere to the rules will result in (a) denial of your request, (b) public ridicule, (c) me going through and permanently deleting the audio so you’ll never, ever have it.
Can you please post the Bad Radio segment on 5/20 around 2 – 2:15 playing audio from the Mavs game where the commentators said the only way to stop him is to “come on him?”
Last night (Monday, May 24th) around 6pm Corby told his story about the worst four hours of his life trying to catch an airplane over the weekend. I was crying in my car I was laughing so hard. Please post it.
Can you please post Gordo’s Corner from yesterday (05-23-11 @ 9:15)? They gave me a shout out in regards to the “Light Up My Life” helium bag suicide.
Can you hook us up with the Snake’s story about the wrong airport from 5/23 — 530 ish?
Can I please get an entire segment from The Hardline Monday May 16th at 5:40PM. Corby talks about Cody Canada & The Departed concert from the Double R Ranch in Mingus, TX?
Huge… quickly
Agree with Rob…must have Corby’s trip details from Monday aft around 6.
Agree with Rob. Must have Corby’s story about his trip…from Monday the 24th, 6 PM ish.
I’d like to leave a standing order for Junior’s weekly scattershooting segment. (strug-a-ling with the time zone difference…) I believe it airs before Ebrake, so 7:45am sounds about right. Thanks and thaks for the site.
can you post the first 5-10 mins from the hardline show (5/27/11) before mikes mind where they were talking about some guy asking for jokes at the guys night out @ zenbar?
can you post the first 5-10 mins from the hardline show on 5/27/11 before mikes mind where they were talking about some guy asking for jokes at guys night out at zen bar? Thanks!
Can you post the Hardline 5:10 segment from 5/25? It was the competition for the Mavs tickets where the girls had to guess the Hardline animals.
Please post the BaD Radio NBA Finals song contest… May 31, around 1:30.
Corby talking about his wild night with Justin? and Followill… it ended around 5:35 today (June 2), not sure what time the segment started.
Muse in the News from Tuesday 5/31 (so 7:15am – 7:35am). Junior & Gordo talk about “panic packing” for Miami and Junior thinks he overpacked by bringing 3 different tuxedos. Laughing now just remembering it…
6/2/11 5:40 pm Corby/Shaq retirement montage. Pure greatness. Love to get that. Bottom.
hey i believe the date was 3/20/11 during the 8:40 bit. when George was outta town and called for a cab service at the airport and it all went to hell. they did a dramatic reenactment of the phone call. the guy on the other end of the call had middle eastern accent. bout as funny as drive thru juando. please post. thanks
hey please post that cab phone call from george when he was trying to get cabbie w no luck. 3/20/11 at 840. thxxxxx
3/20/11 is a Sunday, my friend.
Please post Jesse the usher Mavs vs heat. Played on 6/6 at approx 8:45. Thanks!!
Cold you post the Corby/Danny lost it when talking about Mike’s private parts having a conversation. Never heard Corby laugh as hard. I have no idea about the date
Normally, not posting the date gets you nothing…but Poop posted this two years ago, so you’re in luck. https://www.theunticket.com/rhyner-talks-to-his-wanker/
Love the Vanderjagt clips. On September 1, 2006 during the Musers (yes old as hell) they interviewed the fake Vanderjagt and he told them that he missed the field goals to give a girl he met at the Candle Room a souvenir. I can’t find it anywhere!
Gotta hear the BaD Radio open from June 8 (post game 4)! Was on a plane and I missed it.
I would love to hear the Mavs post-game show from Game 5, Thursday night. From the promos it sounded like drunk Mike and Corby getting silly and a pop-in from George’s diarrhea pants
I would love it if you could post whatever it was that Gordo did on Saturday night, which just ended at 10:18 pm or so. I just caught the tail end of it.
Shoopy…can you please email me and let me know the bit that had FAKE GREGGO saying “I’M HUNGGGGGRRRRAAAAAAAYYYYYYY”
I REALLY need that drop as a ringtone…
Email me please and let me know where I can get that snippet and download it.
Thanks Shoopy.
Hey…I’m not shoopy…but I’m happy to oblige.
You’re looking for the “Fake Greggo Babysitter” bit…and that can be found here: https://www.theunticket.com/classic-audio-vault-fake-greggo-babysitter/
P.S. — Please, for the love of tiny, baby jeebus, don’t let me hear that ringtone in the middle of a movie theatre, ok? *wink*
I’ve searched far and wide for “alamo art” from training camp in 2009. There is P1 song mix here on theunticket, but not the original interview of alamo art interview and singing…..
The original is from early August, 2009… is this online anywhere? This is a hall of fame Gordo interview moment….
There’s an old bit where Rhyner did a mock draft for the 2006 NFL draft. He called into some radio station for the Cowboys picked and tried to select Nick Mangold, but it turned into a mini-fart game. Every time a fart was dropped, the radio station would start the recording over. And on every restart, Mike would enter with a, “Greetings men, how are you?” I haven’t heard this in forever, but I know it was on the old Ticket podcast in iTunes (which can’t be downloaded anymore). If some good, sweet, clean p1 has this, I would be forever indebted.
This is a great idea. I love the website. It’s better than the official Ticket website, actually…
I would like to request a bit that happened on the Hardline today (in the BAD Radio time slot) around 2:45. Just before WTDS. Corby was trying to get Mike to answer a prison hypothetical and Mike was endlessly hung up on the specifics of the hypothetical which irritated the Snake greatly. Thank you.
i would like to hear the bikini contest agian for Muses Salute to Summer
Muse in the News 06-27-2011
Please post this mornings full segment that basically covered the guy that hid in a port-o-potty to see women.
this morning (6/27) the Musers replayed the pranks on Barb where she read the ads for Heaven’s Gate BBQ etc, please post- thx!
they’re on the site, just search for them
BAD Radio had an origin of Drops segment on Friday 6-24. Could you post that one?
It started to cut out massively because of Cumulus’s internet stream issues. Go here instead — it’s much better:
the 6/27 hardline segment with Jake Z and the draft prank
just posted it
The other day when Corby and Mike were laughing about Jake Z being pranked, they replayed some old bits from when they wrote some fake sponsors for the weather girl to read at the end of her weather report. There was one about the “Pickle Association” that was hilarious, but there were a couple more that I can’t remember. All were hilarious, but I think they were from SEVERAL years back. Any of them would be greatly appreciated.
hey i dont know what time it comes on cuz im usually working on weekends but ive heard a few sports bot 2k3 bits and really think its worth a splice up together at sum point, just wanted to suggest it, thanks boys
I need norm saying Bob…Bob..Does it hurt
I can pay!!!
The screenless segment last week when Bob and Dan had 5 minutes before noon, when they ran screenless at the end of Norm’s show. Good Ryan Dunn talk
Gimme a date…can’t remember back that far.
Can you post two segments on BAD Radio yesterday (July 5th, 2011) probably 12:30 to 1:00 timeframe where they played some old audio of a bit called Kid’s questions, which TC attempted this past weekend and failed in turn getting him “banned from Ranger’s Ballpark”.
Done! https://www.theunticket.com/tcs-failed-bit-interview-questions-from-kids/
The 5:45 Hardline segment about Newberry (i think) has been abducted by aliens
Coming up…I’ve delayed the post until tomorrow though. Figure we’ll let the world process the bad baseball news before we go back to the funny.
wow i just left work and heard
If you’ve got it, could you post audio of the Orphanage talking about that Observer story about responding to criticism (about that woman who dissed the King Bucks last week)? I think they started off the show with it, so sometime around 10am this morning, 7-9-11. Thanks man.
Willdo once I get to it – Still stuck at Thursday at the moment.
Can anyone post the Hard Line’s Community Quick Hits segment which took place on February 7th 2011? The day after the Super Bowl? That segment came on around 6:15 pm. It all centered on Corby’s day out at the Super Bowl where he talked about watching the game in the standing room area from a staircase. Corby also confesses about having to take a dump during the game. During the segment Mike and Danny are talking crap about the new Cowboys Stadium while Corby defends it. Towards the end of the segment Mike Drops an S bomb which was obviously beeped out. It was all very funny and intense!
Could you post Rhyner talking about Prog Rock and his radio anthrax, “Roundabout” by Yes? Most appreciated.
can you post norm funnies from last thursday or friday. 8:40 bit.
Potter Fools: Probably 8:40 segment D&M, Monday 7/18. Gordo, Jeromy, and Fernando yanking Jr, Jub and Rich’s chains all over the place,, over never having watched any of the Harry Potter series. You just had to be listening to understand….
I was very a-mused, and my 20 year old college student kiddo would go nuts hearing it.
It certainly falls in the different category. And they were damn right about “broadcasters” totally ignoring a one of the biggest cultural phenomenons of the century. And delivering punch-line after punch-line while they did it.
Hope you get time to listen.
Bob G
Dallas, Tx
Now that is a fine request, sir – date, time, context, everything. I’m a day behind, but I’ll get to it soon!
That was a most amazing story. The guy has mental (and physical) endurance beyond measure.
What about the E-brake from 7/15?
Two words: Tampon Dog. (I’ll get around to it)
The Musers: 07/18/11, 8:10 segment about Harry Potter. I was rolling.
Ralph Strangis on with bad radio 7/19 talking about his game show appearance and crazy drug days.
Done – https://www.theunticket.com/ralph-strangis-presses-his-luck-with-bad-radio/
could you do me a favor a post the “women say the darndest things” segment from the july 20th, 7:40 muser program, please?
could you please post the 7/20, 7:40 “women say the darndest things” musers segment?