Attention UnTicket P1’s!

Ok, I’m seriously going to try and keep this thing going.  But for that to happen, we need to lay a couple of ground rules, just to make our lives easier.  Following these rules will really, really increase your chances of getting the premium golden ticket audio content that you so lust after inserted into your warm ear canals.

  • We need the date and time of the requested audio.  I have enough trouble remembering what comes after the Musers and before BaD Radio.  Throw us a bone if you don’t remember the exact date – i.e. “It was after GNG, or before the E-News where Rhynes’s colostomy bag exploded all over the microphone”
  • It’s gotta be funny or worthwhile to people other than just you – for example, the interview that Norm did about the Aggie/Longhorn/HornFrog/Sooner third-string running back that you want to hear because you went to that college is not worthy audio
  • We generally don’t re-post sports segments unless there’s a meltdown or E-brake
  • Ask for one specific thing – for example, requesting all community-quick-hits for the last, oh, six months or so is not cool. Use our audio files/archive pages for your show or segment.
  • Birthday shout-outs on WTDS, not so much — However, if you’re willing to share the pictures that you sent to the Hardline with us, we can negotiate…
  • Absolutely, positively no raceweek.

Failure to adhere to the rules will result in (a) denial of your request, (b) public ridicule, (c) me going through and permanently deleting the audio so you’ll never, ever have it.


TheUnTicket Request Line by theunticket