Ok, I’m seriously going to try and keep this thing going. But for that to happen, we need to lay a couple of ground rules, just to make our lives easier. Following these rules will really, really increase your chances of getting the premium golden ticket audio content that you so lust after inserted into your warm ear canals.
- We need the date and time of the requested audio. I have enough trouble remembering what comes after the Musers and before BaD Radio. Throw us a bone if you don’t remember the exact date – i.e. “It was after GNG, or before the E-News where Rhynes’s colostomy bag exploded all over the microphone”
- It’s gotta be funny or worthwhile to people other than just you – for example, the interview that Norm did about the Aggie/Longhorn/HornFrog/Sooner third-string running back that you want to hear because you went to that college is not worthy audio
- We generally don’t re-post sports segments unless there’s a meltdown or E-brake
- Ask for one specific thing – for example, requesting all community-quick-hits for the last, oh, six months or so is not cool. Use our audio files/archive pages for your show or segment.
- Birthday shout-outs on WTDS, not so much — However, if you’re willing to share the pictures that you sent to the Hardline with us, we can negotiate…
- Absolutely, positively no raceweek.
Failure to adhere to the rules will result in (a) denial of your request, (b) public ridicule, (c) me going through and permanently deleting the audio so you’ll never, ever have it.
Any love on Scoops Callahan vs Seth Rogen?
Could you please post the Jr Miller interview of Gordon Keith’s father from 6/13 around 8:30am?
Just realized you don’t have the Burrito Jimmy San Antonio Spurs call.
Jive Talkin Stu asks the guy if he thinks Tim Duncan looks like Uday Hussein. Hahahaha.
Is there full audio from the Ticket’s Full Disclosure event at the House of Blues?
can you see if you have the theme to the ken hitchcock show and the eddie belfour song? thanks
The Ed Belfour song was from 2000. He was arrested at the Mansion at Turtle Creek in March of 2000 for a fight, I think. The song came out shortly after. ”What the Hell for? / Eddie Befour!”. Ken Hitcock Show theme song probably ’98 or ’99. Not sure month.
Please post the bad radio segment about contract rumors
time? date? (I’ve been offline and missed all of that)
looking for the Bob and Dan interview with Adam Sandler on Super Bowl Row. I think it was 02/02/13. I wanna say last half hour of the show. Thanks
go to show archives page, click the calendar, pick your date and viola, you have the show you can look through
jeff i looked for you yesterday, spent a good hour or so on that and could not find it, just go back and download those shows from that week and listen, good luck 🙂
sorry don’t remember the date but any lazer interview
Not sure I have it, but I might. Without date/time, I’m looking for needle in haystack
wanting to know anywhere i might get a complete copy of the Norm Hitzges Roast from 2000. prefer video, but even if audio only. I mean the complete uncensored version, not the Ticket TV show on youtube. Thanks, P1 Jeff
Oh, I posted it here https://www.theunticket.com/norm-hitzges-roast-september-2000/ but then noticed you wanted uncensored. Have no idea if that exists, but I’ve never seen this…at least that I remember
I remember at the end of the Ticket TV show link you posted, there was an offer where people could order copies. The proceeds went to the Austin Street Shelter. Didn’t know if the Ticket still had any or if you had access. Even audio only would be great! Thanks!
PS – Anywhere I can get any other Ticket TV shows?
Would love to hear the Musers’ 9:15 segment from 7/11/13 where yhey discuss skipping as an accepted mode of transportation.
Would love to hear the segment from The Rant from July 16, 1999 that is referenced in regards to JFK Jr’s death. Gordon made some remark upon hearing about the death that caused Norm to call for Gordon’s firing.
How about an old one…Fake Jerry inducting Troy Akins, Michael Irving, and um…..their friend into the ring of honor? The real triplets were inducted 9/19/05, so I assume we had the fake audio a day or two after that at 8:40?
Can you post Jr. Millers discussing on his trip to France? I think he discussed it today July 22
Can I request the BaD Radio interview of MTV Sports Dan Cortese. Something seems fishy fishy. First of all, Corby shows up for the interview out of the blue. Secondly, I noticed Cortese mentioned his assistant ‘Kint” only gave him ‘Verbal’ conformation of the interview.
That made my ears perk up. Verbal Kint is the main character on the awesome movie ‘Usual Suspects” I have memorized the classic final scene. Which came in handy because I noticed at least 5 obscure references from that scene. I would love to listen to that interview again and dissect it. Something hilarious happened right under our nose.
Here’s the scene here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYXXhn9fMYs
The beginning of Bob’s world on July 29th had an incredible Bob bragging montage. We should have it on record because he sounded completely disgusted by it. Sorry I’m not sure of the exact time because I was laughing too hard.
Can you post Norms rant about Johnny football from today?
Do you have the “crushed it” drop?
Also looking for ryhners “hey, we’re rolling now!”
skinlonin brothers 8:40 8/1/2013
Could you please post the 8:40am 8/7 Ed Carter bit. I missed it. This week
Thank you
By chance, do you have the part of the Hardline opening where Rhynes starts talking over the theme and ending with “and we are haze gray and underway, brotha”?
If so, greatness; if not, no worries – have already found more of the old opening than I’d ever hoped to hear again in my lifetime. Thanks.
date? time?
Well, since it was part of the show’s old opening, and not really a specific segment per se, anytime between 1998-2000 would suffice. Rhynes ran through the same spiel pretty much every day during the opening between 3:00 – 3:10, so it should be readily available.
Again, though, if it’s not there, don’t put yourself out looking for it. I found part of the opening already (“This drama contains adult language & partial nudity…”), and that was more than I could’ve hoped for. This site rocks!
Please post the pocket knife talk segment which aired on Thursday, August 15 at 8:15 on the Musers.
Please post the Texas Rangers press conference where the media guy for the Rangers (John?) says “What ELSSSSSSSSSE?” about 8 or 10 times. Happened on the Hardline around 5:30 yesterday, 8/23. Thanks!
Does anyone have any of Corby’s Robbie Ross impressions? I’ve heard it more than once, but I think the original has been within the last month to six weeks.
Musers Fart Talk from 8/22. Oh, that was wonderful.
is there a place to get recent WTDS archives?
I see the ones from 2010, but not day to day from recent years. thanks
Fake Busby and Knox from Friday?
could you please post the story of rhynes not letting stevie ray vaughan join his band. time I don’t know because I have missed it every single time, but the date is august 27. thank you very kindly
justin i will look for that for i love mike’s stories about SRV thankx for the date at least, if i find it i will post if for you and me
Norm saying “throw it and throw it and run it and run it”
Can you please post Jerry Jones and his “did you like them 3 superbowls?” from the Muser’s back in I think 2000? Would love to hear that other than in BAD radio intro from 11.20.12. Thanks. Also does the unticket accept bitcoins?
Please post the Fake Jerry from Monday morning September 9th from the Giants game.
Do you have the Audio of Cop VS Fireman Fight Night on 5/6/04? I was a fighter and do not have the audio. I will be happy to donate to the site if you can find it.
Casey I will double check my tapes and see if i have missed it
Any Luck Stickman? Much appreciated Brutha. I love You.
how about gordon’s crazy fan sports calls from today around 9 am? Today Sept.
21, 2013
that was Saturday morning
I cant find it, can you post the audio of Diamond Talk after the A.L.C.S. 2010 game 6??
doesn’t exist
I’m looking for the source audio that’s running in the Dunham & Miller Open promo right now. In it a guy (maybe Donovan?!) says “I will kick your ass!” followed by Mike saying “I will kick your ass off this show!”
Looking for g.w.bush “awesome” drop
concert calendar/10/04/2013 6:45 pm
One of the funniest things I ever heard was Bad Radio or Musers talking about the Manny Pacquiao being in the booth for a Cowboys preseason game. The announcers were asking him football questions and he was STRUGGLING!!!! He did not seem to understand the game at all (along with his broken English) – he said some of the funniest things I have ever heard. I am hoping you have this audio. I think the game was Cowboys vs. Dolphins 9/2/10. The audio was played later on the Ticket (maybe 9/3/10 Friday on the Ebrake).
You have to post today 10/18/2013 Fabulous Fan Feedback! Absolutely Radio Gold!
Hey…wondering if you’ll record Football Theater 1310 for this Sunday’s game vs the Lions on 10-27-2013. Thanks
Cowboys Ticket Theater for the lion’s game?
Yesterday – Oct 28, 2014. Approximately 5:45pm. Cat-Man shut down Korby on the air when he tried to play the Dexter Manly comments on Troy Aikmen. One of the most tense and uncomfortable ticket moments in a long time
Looking for one of the funniest GNG ever. The drop use to be on BobandDan.net. It was June 2006, the context was that a dude was going into diabetic shock and the co-worker ‘baby birded’ the one guy with jam from his fingers.. This would be well worth a repost.. Thanks!
Do you have Mike realizing “sweetjack.com” is a dog? He asks Corby “so sweetjack is a dog?” And corby says yes and starts to crack up.
Don’t go looking for it, but if you have it i’d love to hear it.
Fake Rob Ryan/ 11/12/13/ 8:42
Jerry Jones “did you like those three Superbowls? I hope you did..”
It was around ten years ago. Shot in the dark, but I had to ask.
It was approximately 11:38am on November 17th. I thought it was Rotten Radio because it was on the feed and the radio was getting ready for footballball, but it was something like a fake radio show with no recognizable voices, that were talking about alternate intro songs to ticket shows. It was like a radio show in Dans head while on a trip. Seriously WTF moment.
There was a “White Elephant” show with Georgio in afternoon drive. The Cowboys had a press conference and Fake Wade showed up. I believe Gordo was also on that show. That presser was the funniest thing I have ever heard on the Ticket. I’ve searched the archive and I come up with nothing. If y’all could find it I would be absolutely grateful!
I missed Intentional Grounding last night, 11/27/2013 7-8pm. They interviewed Charlotte Jones. Thanks!
12/3/2013 9:00 am. The Big Show was so great with Gordo’s Leann Rimes singing