First, Junior, the fake Goose Gosselin is a brilliant bit. You guys hear that this morning? Every time fake Norm would start a sentence, the fake Goose would complete it. Norm throws out a number….and Goose interrupts stating that it’s the Gross National Product of Chad….estimated 2006. HAA!! Funny shit, guys….keep that up.
Second, and this is for the real Norm, shut up about Roy Williams. To say that horse-collar tackles make him a dirty player is stupid. Players have been doing it since the NFL began….so don’t tell me he’s a dirty player. Nobody said shit about it in Pop Warner, Junior High, High School, College, or even his first couple years as a pro. You more than anyone should know about how difficult it is to teach an old dog new tricks. ie, you can’t even open your own fucking emails, dude!
I love ya, Norm, and I’ve got great respect for you but when you’re wrong…you’re WAY wrong. And stubborn to boot.
Norm, stay soft.
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