Recent stream url has changed again. To get your custom URL working again, update the url with the one provided below. Be sure to use EXACT capitalization as you see below.
@P1BradC also said you can add a custom url in Tunein, since the Ticket is removed and save that custom url as your new ticket station. Big thanks for the tips to @P1BradC!
If the one above will not work, might try this one:
There still hasn’t been any sort of fix with tunein for you guys, sorry, but P1 Gary sent this in so maybe it’ll help some of you to at least listen:
Not sure if this is more work than most people want to do but I have the Droid Bionic with Verizon.
First you will need to download the VLC media player. I don't think its in Google Play yet but you can get it here:
(note: this is still in beta so YMMV)
Once this is downloaded and installed open VLC and locate the button near the top right that looks like an arrow pointing to a dot.
Click on that button.
That should do it.
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If you are having trouble getting a good stream of the Ticket on your iPhone you can use this super simple app, now on sale for just 99 cents. You will be streaming the little Ticket in no time.
Get in Android Marketplace (Thanks @guapozx, @sjurrens)
Other Notable Apps
One of the pricier apps is Wunder Radio at $6.99.
Then you can go at it for free with FStream.
Another one some people have suggested is ooTunes Radio but it clocks in at $4.99.
It’s great because you can pause the stream for up to 30 mins and you can rewind and record like a DVR box. Makes for great call backs when something wheels off happens.
This is the best app for radio. It’s like TiVo for your iPhong.
I have mine set to start recording at 5 til 6, I start listening when I wake up around 6:30. Then an hour later when I get to work, I stream on my computer using quicktime.
I used to use Fstream, then moved onto FlyCast. FlyCast is still great if you just started listening and missed the last segment or two, you can actually go back and stream it from their servers. But it’s not always a sure bet it will work. And can be a little glitchy at times. In fact, that’s what I like about TuneIn Radio the most, the scrubber is very responsive and rarely crashes.
The only issue for some is so far you cannot export recordings. Because I think they are not stored on your phone. If they are they’re encrypted, because I have never been able to find them through SSH.
Better than wunderradio because it is cheaper by $5 and let’s you record.
I also really love this app.
If you are in a pinch, you can export the audio in real-time by playing it back out of the iPhone’s headphone jack to another recording device or a computer. Still, I agree… there should be an easier way to transfer clips.
I have iPad money, and this is the best app on the device. I wish it worked better for multi-hour recordings. Sometimes I will record The Ticket all day and it does get difficult to scrub such a long timeline. Still, a great app!
Dude!!! Thanks for posting this info. I didn’t want to shell out the $$$ for wunder radio. Now I can listen to 1310 am when I’m at work and away from my PC. COOL!!
TuneIn Radio is the shit. I use it all the time. I usually am leaving for work around 8:40 so I’ll start my TuneIn before it starts and get my shit to leave and once I’m in my car to leave, I play the 8:40 bit on my phone that’s paused. #DUH #WINNING
I have had this app since the start of football season. I got it so I could listen to local radio for my Buccaneers and Gators but I find I use it more for recording The Ticket when I am not in the car. I have tried a lot of apps and this is the best!
wow, thankx babyarm, this shit is greatness, it’s free for blackberry users, high five!
[…] Stream Apps […]
Nobex Radio Companion for Blackberry is free and works great for streaming the 1310 radio sports, Ticket sports radio. Sports.
Probably already been said elsewhere, but you can get TuneIn for free now (without recording capabilities) for iPhone
I must say the Tunein Radio app for the iPhone is the bomb, it doesn’t work well on the Android system.
I use it on my Droid and its awesome. Works great
Is anyone else having problems streaming from TuneIn Radio the last couple of weeks? I can get other stations but The Ticket wont stream (unless im on wifi). It might be carrier specefic because a coworker is able to get it on his Android phone w/ ATT service. I am on an Evo (Sprint). Doesnt matter if I am in 3g or a 4g area either.
Agreed Trevor. This has sucked. It’s been a LONG time with it down. We’re on ATT Androids as well (my boyfriend and I) and both of our phones won’t stream it. This is true for Tunein and for Wunderradio.
Yeah. Been having the same problem for a few weeks now too. The stream plays fine when I am connected to wifi, but when I’m on the cellular network it won’t work at all. Very annoying, don’t know if this is a cumulus thing or what, but the tunein app will play other stations just fine over 3G.
I am on AT&T and have an iPhone and am praying this problem gets fixed soon.
Got word back from Rich Phillips:
“This is related to our company’s move to an exclusive streaming deal with iHeartradio. It’s a free app that at the moment has only select stations, but soon will have all the Cumulus stations on it. Because of this, many 3rd party apps like Wunderradio and Tunein have been dropping our stations. It seems to be an Android issue as far as I can tell. I still can listen on Wunderradio via my iPhone.
The latest information we were given late last week was 30-to-45 days before all the company’s stations were available on it. I wish I had a better and more immediate solution for you. Hang in there with us.”
I have TuneIn on my wp7, HTC One X, and Kindle Fire… great way to listen to the little TIcket…
Thanks for the info Megan. They should post up the transition on the main site as im sure theres tons of people that use their phones to listen. My reason is I cant get radio reception where I work and “big brother” blocked all streaming radio stations about a year ago, so phone streaming is my only option. Its good to know it will eventually be back though.
Any radio works well for the ticket most importantly, its free for Android. It’s is some Asian text but its all good.
Now all of a sudden, tune in radio is working. Strange.
Hello – has anyone figured out what the new stream url is for the ticket stream? I realize they are moving to i heart radio, but I am an avid recorder of the ticket and have been recording shows much like you guys do online. however, the stream url listed on the website (pubpont.asx) is no longer valid. and I need to set up the new stream so I can record the shows daily. any help would be much appreciated.
Fstream quit working on 06/07/2012 … is there any app for the iPhone that works OR must we wait 30-45 days ? … Do I have to buy Wunderradio ?
Talk about losing listeners, literally …
Help !
Here is the new link for The Ticket 1310am on Fstream:
Thanks much!
They’ve broken the streams for third party players as well. I have an internet radio from aluratek that can’t find the source any longer. The over the air reception is so bad in my area (and most) that the internet streaming is at least a good in quality if not better. Hey KTCK, why not stream the HD stereo channel please, and get it back up soon, thanks!
works in tunein radio still for me
Clutch! Well done, sir.
No Ticket on TuneIn app today. Have the Cumulus overlords finally taken away TuneIn’s Ticket stream? Gawd, I hope not– iHeart Radio sucks balls.
Well it looks like Cumulus has finally done it! TuneIn actually worked and allowed us to listen all day without interruption, and even record. Now they force us to use iFartradio which is super gay. It is glitchy, and doesnt record, or even work very well. Streaming the Ticket is my main reason for owning this phong. Cumulus is the worst thing to happen to DFW radio since the loss of John Labella!!
I just cant understand why a company that needs listeners to succeed, doesnt want us to listen. Look at what the PD’s have done to WBAP and KLIF too.
No funeral… BANG!
THANKS little Unticket!
The Tune-In Radio app (Pro and Free versions) on Android don’t allow for Custom URLs. Oh well. If anyone has any other recording apps that might stream a custom URL, please post. Thanks.
I bet if you ask the tunein guys if they can add it, they would. Here’s a screenshot of where it is for iphong

You can go onto the tunein website. Register. Add the custom URL there, then log into your account on your phone. Then the stream is there.
thanks for the tunein update boys!
Thank you SO much!! I’ve been using the iHeart crap app for the last 3 days and hate it so. How is that app still even running w/how terrible it is? I totally don’t get it. Anyway, I really appreciate the work around you guys posted. Thanks!!
Thank you for the update. it is great to again have The Ticket playing through tunein, and to be able to delete the ifart clear channel crap.
Like they said earlier, go to the custom URL add page on the IPhone, and type in this code:
It is clunky getting it typed in and selecting the right choice, but it does work.
Thanks for posting this; it worked perfectly. I feel like all is right in the world now.
Thanks DP. You deserve a DP for this workaround (Is that blood?). It is pure greatness!! I can actually use my phong for something other than propositioning trannys. God bless.
It is not working for me.
Thanks!!!! This is great! Plus something I found during this dark week of the switch to ipoopooRadio, is DAR.FM. You can set up recordings and it does it without needing to use cellular data, or drain your battery. There is a little bit of a delay, (about 15-30 mins after a segment is done) but you can set it up where it downloads automatically as an iTunes podcast. Or just as mp3’s.
Here’s the link: http://goo.gl/J1nH8
android work around does not work for me. I added the custom url but when I click it on my phone says error press to reload.
Guys – this is GREAT news! For the last week or so I’ve been lamenting my loss of ability to “DVR” the little ticket.
iHR can suck it (as can those stupid, STUPID ads they play ad nauseum.) Seriously – Clear Channel’s mobile application devs and project managers should be drawn and quartered for failing to deliver a product that at least BEGINS to compete with TuneIn before delisting channels in the competition.
many thanks for posting this! works great… iHR app su su su su su that’s right it sucks
This updated stream URL just saved my life. Thanks.
Looks like it is not working again… meh.
Thanks everyone for giving us your tips.
I found that pasting the URL into safari on iPhong plays
the stream as well.
Assuming that this method will work with most other
browser + wireless device combos.
Perhaps a good option for thrifty folks like me.
Has anyone discovered a new URL? It appears this streamtheworld one wont work on Tunein anymore. Im freakin dyin here. I have had luck pasting it into Safati but cant figure out how to record. And DAR.FM works great but not in real time.
Yeah it stopped working for me too. I’ve been going to iHeartRadio when I need to listen 🙁
Lots of VLC player stuff in the app store. Is VLC Direct Pro Free the right one ???
btw… iHeartRadio was voted gayest app of 2012
Anybody having any luck with the streamtheworld link in TuneIn or is it officially dead? Gordo tweeted it out this morning saying it worked but it sure isn’t for me.
According to Tunein Radio Support:
Q: Can i add a custom station URL?
A: Tunein on the Android does not currently support this functionality.
Posted URL was working yesterday but not today. iHeart is connecting successfully.
i have my online radio station and now i already have a tunein account in which i receiving on my bb. however, my bb is telling me that the audio stream is not supported. how can i get the right audio to stream to tunein so it will work on the my bb
Any one know of another android app that can record the ticket for those of us that can’t listen at work 🙁
After the latest Tunein App update (iPhone) the following stream will work for the ticket. http://4713.live.streamtheworld.com/KTCKAM.mp3
Not workin for me. No playlist found.
Works for me, make sure you have KTCKAM in caps as indicated
Thank you. I have been without for wayyyyy too long.
Baby arm.