Troy Aikman joins the Musers every Thursday morning at around 7:50 or so (I think). Lots of good, strong football talk to be heard in that segment. This week, the Musers finally mustered up the Marconi-winning courage to bring Joe Buck on the air with Troy, and audio gold ensued. Enjoy!
Notice how Troy says he emails Buck the 8:40 bits? Is Troy an unticket P1.
I heard Fernando say a while back that he emails Troy all of the fake wade and fake jerry bits to Troy, who in turn forwards them on to the Fox execs. I told Poop he should try and get @Troy_Aikman and @joebucklive to become twitter followers…join the ranks of the great Tony Romo and Candice Crawford…
I wasn’t a big fan of Joe Buck until this morning – I always thought he came of as kind of a condescending prick… Today he really surprised me with his attitude and demeanor – Really a cool guy.
I think last year Gordo said the Ticket directly sends Troy the bits every week. This was revealed during a discussion about the many failed attempts of Troy to get some Fake Jerry on the Fox pregame show. That said, Troy could still be an Unticket P1, which would be cool. These photos are often as funny as the bits. Nice work.
Ugh. Can’t stand Joe Buck. He never seems to have any background on the teams and players he covers. Everything he says in reference to the game or participants is a recycled cliche. Ranks up there with Dierdorf.
I actually turn the station if he’s covering the game I’m watching. If it’s my home team, I turn up the radio and turn off the TV sound even though the radio sound and TV video never seem in sync.