If you haven’t heard the 911 call that this drunk dude made, do yourself a favor and check it out.
On top of that, I was curious about what he did. He’s the owner of a business “Automotive Concepts” and I thought his bio was a good chuckle:
Jeff Sabold, ASE Certified Owner
Jeff is the Owner and Senior ASE Certified Technician of Automotive Concepts. He has a passion of not only taking care of your luxury vehicle, but doing it right the first time.
Hey, I’m not mad at the guy. I just think it’s a freakin funny call to listen to. I drove down the tollway in 1st gear burning up my engine one time and had no idea where I was, but I wasn’t about to call the police!
I think this dude is awesome. Sure, he drove drunk and that’s not good or whatever, but his demeanor on the phone was just priceless. “And…it’s done.” HAAAAAAAAAA!!!