I was thinking about how much I appreciate the master of drops, MacGruber, when he finishes sentences for the hosts with drops, or even just inserting a host that isn’t there with drops. To me, I don’t think there could ever be enough drops. Hell, the most annoying thing (other than baseball talk) is when they turn WTDS into chipmunk talk. Even then, I find myself entertained after a little warming up.

So I thought I’d see what everyone else thought of drops. The Hardline plays them like crazy, where The Musers play them sparingly. I know Norm’s show it’s a rarity, but not sure on BaD Radio. When I have time to listen to BaD, I just don’t remember a lot of them even though I know Grubes is working. If I remember correctly, the producers have a hold on the drops?? That would explain why the Musers don’t play that many with Fernando cracking his man whip. Then again, maybe it’s all a perfect mix.

What do you think? More drops? Less drops? Take the poll and give your comments.

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