I was thinking about how much I appreciate the master of drops, MacGruber, when he finishes sentences for the hosts with drops, or even just inserting a host that isn’t there with drops. To me, I don’t think there could ever be enough drops. Hell, the most annoying thing (other than baseball talk) is when they turn WTDS into chipmunk talk. Even then, I find myself entertained after a little warming up.
So I thought I’d see what everyone else thought of drops. The Hardline plays them like crazy, where The Musers play them sparingly. I know Norm’s show it’s a rarity, but not sure on BaD Radio. When I have time to listen to BaD, I just don’t remember a lot of them even though I know Grubes is working. If I remember correctly, the producers have a hold on the drops?? That would explain why the Musers don’t play that many with Fernando cracking his man whip. Then again, maybe it’s all a perfect mix.
What do you think? More drops? Less drops? Take the poll and give your comments.
[poll id=3]
More drops. More farts. More chaos. Less sports.
VSBB everyday
Is There A Question? Really? Drops Make The Ticket. Seriously.
wouldn’t it be rad to have control of the drop thingy while you listen?
i think the hardguys play a good number of drops, though!!!
More drops. All the time. Right now. Except for Norm, someone needs to take some away from him.
Oh, and Vaginal Slice Born Born to America.
I think the balance right now is good. Drops should never be the show, but should enhance it. I do think that Grubes is light-years ahead of Big Strong Jeremy on his timing and comedy level, but BSJ kind of pioneered the drop for the Ticket. Psycho Dave mastered it, and Grubes perfected the art.
someone at the ticket needs to figure how to create a drop application for the iphone so we CAN have it around our necks all day…
Please tell me someone remembers the over-return that the great Steve Porcary invented on the D&M show with the old Ticket bumper drops??Absolute genius!
Get your ass hung up now, you idiot!
Do you have the old Deion Sanders drop, “I don’t know what that is?”
Random – Deion Sanders – Don’t know what that means.wav
How about more drops & less Line 4 Guy