It is that time of year again. Made it out to Ticketstock on Friday. The performances were pretty good. I could write Junior an email for the “You’re an Ass If” segment after dealing with some overserved P1s. Also, not sure if it is just me, but the audio (specifically the vocals) were very low. I boosted the audio a little for these videos so you should be able to hear.

I apologize in advance for the shakiness of some of these. I had people walking in front of me throughout the show and had to hold the camera in the air the whole time.

I will be adding more as they finish processing.

You can click thru and see the videos in HD.

The Timewasters – Theme Music

Corby & Danny – Tiger Song

Bob & Dan – P1 Pie

Craig Miller – King Tut

Gordon Keith – Thunder

Gribs & Grubes – Break On Through

George Dunham – Party in the USA

Norm & Gordon – Resume of Characters

Dongovan – My Prerogative

The Hardline Plays Radio Ticket

Danny Balis – Yeehaw

Grubes & Jeremy – Masters of Drops