For anyone seeking a one-stop White Elephant sampler here’s the Ticket Top 10 from last night. Most of these clips are available in their entirety in the archives.
10. Gordo/Corby/Sean mix
9. George Muse in the News
8. Rich’s love for metal
7. Gordo takes calls
6. Corby brag explanations
5. Bob/Rich/Ty wrestling quiz
4. Gordo’s Jimmy Kimmel story
3. Donovan’s top Norm meltdowns
2. Dan “Inception” ticker + Craig “Flesh for Fantasy” ticker
1. Fake Norm’s letter to Santa
Hey there P1’s! Sportsradio 1310 the Ticket says!
There is no way Norm’s letter was number 1. It wasn’t funny last year and it wasn’t funny this year. I love you madly Gordo, but no.
Send all complaints to @TC1310