What is your kryptonite from the Ticket?
It absolutely takes all of the energy out of you and makes you want to turn the radio off.
Is it a character that Gordo does? One that George does? One that Corby does? A song? A Ticket host? A promo?
I’ll throw a couple out …
- Bob Sturm’s long winded comments
- Dan over-talking people
- Danny being the dark cloud music guy
- Corby making the exhale sound before making a point
- Chipmunk voices
- Fernando’s voice
- Baseball talk
- Chris House in Top 10
Here’s the Musers (minus Junior) talking about their kryptonite. While listening, list your ticket kryptonite below. You can submit your comment while listening to audio and not stop the play.
Sports Panties
1. More than anything, Gordon doing analysis of human behavior. He’s so simplistic and frequent with the straw-manning. And he’s such a comedic genius that I have to listen to the show, but I can’t stand the remedial junior high philosophy teacher Gordon.
2. The cockiness of Craig Miller. I know it’s part of his on-air persona, but it gets under my skin.
3. Certain phrases by Mike Rhyner. “The room” and “this thing.” The “Rhyner is dead” thing is really annoying and unfunny.
4. Baseball talk.
5. Was gonna say over-superlative Corby, but it’s starting to inch toward funny.
That being said, I love the station. Love the forest. Frequently can’t individual trees.
Chris House
1.He repeats everything the ticket guys just said in the countdown.
2.Has a case of delayed talk to try and sound like he is not just reading from a piece of paper. “On the Ticket……Top……..Ten.”
3.Always says Norman way over the top.
Just say number 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, and nothing else please.
Oh man, I love chipmunk voices.
My kryptonite, at the moment, is mainly Gen X Davey. Bascik was kryptonite for me too.
Dan’s whistle talk.
NORM’S LIP SMACKING (had to all caps that one)
Danny when he’s watching a Rangers game.
Dan when he talks sports, except for cynical sports fan Dan.
Bob during an interview.
Chimpmunk voices.
Grubes laughing off mic.
The Hardline stopping things down and over laughing when someone misspeaks.
1. Rich Phillips aka Dick Hicks – BIGGEST KRYPTONITE EVER
2. Overplaying of “The Great Game” promos
3. Rhyner’s dead – WTF is that all about? If he’s dead then why does Mike always introduce himself on air as Mike Rhyner?
4.Gordo’s tangents and bogging down during Muse in the News
5. Any musical opinion offered by Corby
6.Bob’s long-winded questions
7.The ass-whip that is Chris House
Gribble doing “Italian Guy” voice….what a beating…never heard something so unfunny.
HATE the Italian guy voice
Donovan not being able to talk without saying the word black.
1 Ticket Tickers: If I’m a P1, I am listening all day long, how many times an hour/day do I need to hear SeaBass tell me last night’s Rangers score.
2 “Rhyner is Dead” Makes me want to personally make it happen every time he says it.
3 The Run Sheet: I hate having a good topic truncated because damn it, 3 hours ago we all decided to spend 3 segments talking about last night’s Clippers/Pistons game. F the PD
4 The Killer: If only because on the last Compound, every night I would tune into the webcam, hoping for some awesome Deep Night Ticket, and every night, all I would see is his fat ass sitting on the couch watching TV
5 Fringe Sport Corby
6 Fernando
7 “The Hardline stopping things down and over laughing when someone misspeaks.” gagree 100% with p1day1 on that.
1) Ticket Tickers, if only b/c I hear about the Rangers score from the night before approximately 37,000,000 times. I’m out-of-state & don’t care as I like a dif. MLB team, so they seem to really pile up.
2) Corby yelling at Rangers TV. Broadcasting to 184 countries, not everyone is tuned into a Rangers day game, in fact 1 % of the audience is
3) “Rhyner is dead.” At some point this has to be explained.
4) What p1day1 said about stopping down. Sometimes some seriously good mojo is going in a conversation and is needlessly derailed. Make a snide comment and move along folks, nothing to see here.
5) Ticket songs. Comedy is hard, and I’m a P1, but there’s a reason there isn’t a plethora of platinum-selling Weird Als out there to choose from.
6) Donovan laughing, a lot, at quips deserving a giggle.
7) What everyone has said about Chris House. Long intros=bad. If you didn’t have such long intros, you could keep more of the audio.
Dick Hicks by far. I cannot stand his fake radio voice. Sadly since he’s become the asst pd I guess he has felt the need to speak more on the air to usually 1 up somebody else or tell a lame and pointless story. This = me changing the station.
I hate chipmunks b/c they all talk over one another. It’s just a chipmunk clusterf***. That said, they hold a special place for me: the first time I Ever tuned into the station, my friend turned to me and said, “DUDE, seriously, you will love this” (after months of convincing me) and the first thing I hear on Ticket Radio, when he flips the dial in December ’07 at 3 pm, is a bunch of freaking chipmunks for 20 minutes. I couldn’t make out anyone except for a grouchy and gruff chipmunk and one that sounded like it was on crystal meth. Yet here I am.
Aside from several that have already been mentioned (Chris House trying to sound casual, Corby in general, Dan in general, Ticket songs), here’s my list:
1. Gordo the music expert… commenting on overly “deep bass notes”, casually throwing out complex musical jargon, patronizing George’s musical forays with the Bird Dogs (like The Rembrandts were anything special). My music whip used to be Rich the concert/metal expert because he seems so old – yet he tries to sound so cool… but now Gordo definitely takes the cake.
2. BaD Radio’s “What’s on Your TiVo” talk always ruins my lunch break. Either I don’t watch/care about those shows or they spoil shows I’ve recorded but yet to watch. Bob must never sleep, he watches so much TV!
3. Carleton Maxwell, Fake Wade, Corby’s real AND only “character” voice (sort of a higher register/wimpy sounding)
Oh, man, good call, JB. Totally forgot that one, and it’s a huge one.
here lately, listening to Bob and Dan position themselves as the anti-Ron-Washington fanclub. The righteous indignation is kryptonite of the highest order. Regardless what they think about his employment status with the Rangers, they’re not a part of the organization. The Rangers have dealt with it and have moved on. I wish BaD Radio would, too.
1. I can’t take the Hardline’s baseball talk. Listening to Danny and Mike talk about the Rangers like they are World Series contenders after a win is freaking awful. Someone remind them that the Rangers have won one playoff game in 38 seasons and that means if you are a Ranger fan, you cannot even talk about making the damn playoffs.
2. Mike’s hatred of the Mavs. All they do is win 50 games every year and make the playoffs. His precious Rangers are a joke of a franchise and haven’t been to the playoffs in 10 years. I forgot one playoff win is the exact same as going to the NBA Finals.
Tivo talk is a total channel change for me. I could care less what BaD Radio thinks of shows I don’t watch. And they have to spend 2-3 segments on it. I understand you have to burn segments, but do we really need to hear Lost or 24 talk for that long? Plus, it gives Gribble more air time, and that’s never a good thing.
Danny the worst when it comes to knee jerking about the Rangers, Mavs, or Cowboys. It’s such a beat down hearing him after a loss say “this team is awful” and after a win “this team is pretty damn good”. I understand he’s a fan, but his overreactions are still an ass whip for me.
Tivo talk is just terrible; I wish they had followed Heroes instead, that way the segment could crash and burn with the series.
The LONG ASS Hardline intro… Just say the crap! It shouldn’t take 10 minutes!!!!
– Corby’s overlaugh
– Corby’s arguing on the air with people off mic
– WTDS when everybody is talking over each other
1. Dick Hicks force feeding us NASCAR in Tickers.
2. Donovan’s “I think I am hilarious because I change the words to a song and can’t sing” bit.
3. This one always gets me: There will be a super sports story going on, and Galloway will get a top-name guest to call in to discuss…and the Hard Line is talking about the Sopranos. Doesn’t the Ticket’s rolodex include people who can talk sports?
4. Norm and horse racing, especially the fantasy calls. I can’t change the channel fast enough…
1. All the commercials and live-spots. Sometimes the ratio of content:advertisements approaches 1:1.
2. Any and all baseball talk…
3. Danny’s opinion on music. We get it, you hate any music that more than 10 people like.
4. Donavan’s sometimes VERY generic/predictable commentary.
Corby’s overuse of superlatives. Everything is “the best” or “the worst,” with nothing in between. It’s the broadcast equivalence of hack writing.
As far as tickers, you have to remember not EVERYONE is listening all day(case in point, me). Believe me, the guys doing tickers probably want to talk about something else as well but they have to cater to all categories of listeners.
Pretty much anything Gribble does, up to and including “1920s Reporter Guy.” He’s just so uncomfortable with it, it never comes across good, it’s just a stream-of-consciousness blather. (even though I do love the “you’re a foot from me” drop)
And one more — Mike’s schtick about how much the Cowboys suck. I know he’s just being contrarian, but suck it up, man. They’re by FAR the biggest sports draw in the area, so quit acting so beat down by having to talk about them for 4 segments a day in November.
When they tease tickers after traffic.
Agree with JP on the power down that is music Expert Gordo, And especially agree with Real Norm on Gordo the wannabe intellectual. (I have a theory (wait for it…) that he’s never read 80% of the stuff he name drops)
Actually, I know exactly when my kryptonite will occur… 5:30-10 AM daily…
For me the worst of The Hardline beats the best of The Musers 95 % of the time…
1 Donovan always saying oh its always me in that dumb voice. he uses that “joke” over and over again.
2 When corby is doing a news story and he gets stuff wrong he doesnt know what hes talking about!
3 Teasing stuff that they dont get to
4 The strippers bit
5 Donovan in general
6 and barb
First, all due respect, if somebody thinks the Hardline is better than the Musers, you are high. Top to bottom, sports analysis to schtick, far superior to the Hardline.
Second, I forgot the Hardline’s live reads w/ Corby and Mike — They are terrible actors and Corby oversells everything.
Mike: … And you now what’s not fun, sludge in your engine.
The Musers and their inability to put together anything from 5:30 until Muse in the News. They’ll come on at 5:55 after the Ticker, spend 3 minutes teasing the show for the third time, take a non-Ticker commercial break, then come back at 6:00 to fill another 3 minutes with nothing.