Ticket Compound Gets The FingerWanted to post this the last day of the ticket compound, but started scratching my ass and just finished. I felt a true opinion of the ticket compound was in order since the ticket puts their positive spin on everything they do.

Compared to past ticket compounds, this one SUCKED! It had it’s bright points, like Sturm and Donovan’s old school hip hop hour, Junior Miller’s coast to coast anal alien probing and the best of every compound, how different hosts jump on other shows. Mixing up the shows with other shock sports jocks just makes the ticket more of a family rather than a few dudes showing up for 4 hours a day to work.

Other than that, the rest of the compound absolutely sucked. You had ‘Hollywood’ Keith doing his own thing, then trying to bail early on the last day, which I think Lord Dunham had every right to be pissed about. What happened to acoustical douche? What happened to the late night hilarious antics? Seems the scene was more about a party to the other ticket employees who no one cares about. You can even leave out the ticket sluts. What good does ticket chics do the listeners? They’re not showing us their tits on the webcam, you can barely even see them if you do have webcam. It should be the main ticket hosts that spend every waking minute together for a week.

Maybe I expected more than they really have these days. Don’t get me wrong, there were fun moments as mentioned above, but I’d rather listen to burrito Jimmy, mush mouth and crew for 40 hours straight talking nothing but sports.

  • As the great Randy Jackson would say, “I’m not mad at ya, I’m just not feelin it.”
  • As the great Simon Cowell would say, “If I’m being honest with you, it’s something I would hear on a cruise ship.”
  • As the slutty Paula Abdul would say, “You look great tonight. You know I love you. It just. . .I . . .if it wasn’t. . .uhh, you are a star.”

Suck it.