Queue the intro…TheUnTicket has a major announcement to all the P1’s of this little website. We are NOT buying the Ticket and we have not quit the site. I know the site has been quiet lately but as Corby said on the station yesterday (audio provided below), we only have $38 collectively and finally had to get a straight gig so we could afford the Ticket…one day.
So just to repeat, we apologize for the lack of posting this week, but the site is not going away and we have not quit on you. Thanks to The Ticket for teaching us how to present major announcements!
I’m in for a fiver.
As long as you keep coming through with those show archives, I think the lot of us should just shut out dirty dead mouths and thank Rhyner’s ghost you provide this free service for us shlubs who can’t always be by the channel. STAY HARD! …by the AAC!
and duh.
I’m sure everybody knows I’ve been hanging around Dallas a little bit.
come back your country
No need to pologize, you guys have pretty much accomplished the ultimate for us P1s. All shows now available in full daily. If you need grunts to recommend segments to post just to keep things moving that’s easy. For instance, contractor talk from the Orphanage (5/19, 36 min. in) was pretty good.
Keep up the good work… and good luck with your with your bottom bottom!
I wish I knew how to quit you
This cannot stand. I personally commit to listening to nothing but Ticket archives for 70 straight days while doing nothing but pulling audio, eating Burrito Jimmy’s, and pooping.
I love the Rangers/unticket!
I can’t believe they haven’t invited you guys in for a segment. Like Jake said, you all care more about The Ticket than their actual ownership does. Thanks for all that you do!
came here to post what fred said… why apologize? i get to listen to all of my favorite segments, on demand, and i have you guys to thank for that. i’ll double you guys up to $76 if that’ll help 😉
oh and i can’t tell you how badly i’d like to give ticket management/ownership a hot carl!
It’s unbelievable that you can have a #1-in-the-ratings GIANT in a Top 5 market and the main threat to disrupt over a decade of market dominance is NOT a competitor station or host leaving but their own damn management & ownership. How the hell does this happen & how long can the little Ticket remain the Sports Radio Station that Could?