Well, Thursday, January 10th, 2008 is going to mark a huge day in the little ticket’s future. It might very well be the day the ticket died. Sure, they still have the greatness of the Musers, George “JUB JUB” Dunham, Craig “Junior” Miller and Gordon “Yuck Monkey Leader” Keith. They still have Bad Radio, err Black Radio (I think Donovan is great, it’s just funny how the show has ghetto vibes). There is still Rhyner (who isn’t dead, close, but still there) and the most abrasive, most unusual looking, but extremely funny CORBY Davidson (aka snake, aka cobra, aka over cusser, aka obvious man and so many more). Oh yeah, who can forget drop king and emergency break of the week stallion, Norm Hitzges. But there is one piece of the puzzle missing, Greg “Greggo” Williams. Does one guy really make or break the station? Maybe.

Since sports lives here, if Kobe left the Lakers, would the show be the same? Yes
If Shaq left the Lakers 5 years ago, would he affect the Lakers? Yes

Dropping the hammer and rolling with Mike, Corby and Danny could have been good, but they’re missing that key ingredient the, Hammer! Sure there are problems, but why take an axe and chop him off completely? So what he’s had two brushes with partying? Come on you fuckin DOUCHE BAGS!!! Addiction is a serious issue and at times it’s very easy to fall into it because of what the doctor prescribes you. Do you guys kick anyone out for smoking? They have a hardcore addition, so you should be fair to them. But if you choose to let greggo go, I’m afraid I’m going to have to do my best to stay hard. Don’t roll in someone we know because it will be a give up. Like that Kevin Scott that played nothing but SMU press conference talk and roger clemens conferences. Oh right, there were playoff football games this past weekend! If this is any indication, you are going to lose a lot of people.


Finally, I will predict the big announcement on Thursday:

  • Greggo will resign from his position
  • Line 4 Guy will take Greggo’s position
  • Rhyner will announce he is retiring to pursue his musical career (with 5 spots before he leaves) and open up a stripper bar
  • Danny will go postal after Line 4 guy starts to play Red Hot Chilipeppers and kill everyone up there.
  • The remaining members will be Donovan and Barb Smith
  • Barb will start talking about elections and Donovan will accidently slip and somehow fall with his black dong shoved far down her throat causing suffocation
  • By this time the cops start swarming and quickly surround donovan with guns pulled. He tries to talk his way out of it until the new drop from Clemens runs with “I SWALLOW”, so they shoot him
  • Just a thought. Hopefully that won’t happen. I need my afternoon hardline. Dick Danny or not.

    Stay hard and make sense (<-not to me)