Who Let The Dogs Out?

One of the major stories following the Sooper Bole was that of Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway giving a ceremonial key to the Eagles quarterback Michael Vick.  There was outrage for many reasons, including the fact that (a) that whole dog-killing-felony-jail thing, and (b) HE’S THE EFFIN EAGLES QUARTERBACK.  The Ticket covered it extensively, but the UnTicket was recovering from the super bowl hangover at the time and we kinda forgot about it.

The Musers talked about it for a couple of segments, then had the Caraway on to defend himself.  He threw up so many forcefields that it gave the Musers and BaD Radio a few more segments to talk about it.  Former Ticket Host Richard ‘Big Dick’ Hunter was also heavily involved in the story, having adopted one of Michael Vick’s ‘bait dogs’, and the Hardline talked about his public protest.  Now that Caraway is the acting mayor, I figured it’s worth a listen.  I spliced all of the audio together and it runs over an hour.

Head over to the Great Gordo’s website for funny pictures of other folks Caraway has given keys to, as well as for the actual ceremony (as shot by BDH).