Musers discussed the amount of time people waste at work.
It’s a great conversation because I often think about how much time people put into an actual work day with work. It really comes down to having a work environment people enjoy and aren’t pressed to just work all day. I think Gordon said something about having mental breaks is good.
There have been studies about “power naps” at the work place and how much sharper it makes the employee.
This site gives you tips on how to power nap at work and explains the benefits.
Another thing is the flextime. I always found it impossible to make it to work the exact same time every single day. We do the honor system at our office so if you can’t get here until 10, then you work until 6. As long as you put in the 8 hours, we’re good with it.
My good example of time wasting is this site! If I have some spare time I’ll try to pull audio and post. More time I have, the more I post. But it’s a great break from balls to the wall work all day long.
Last thing I’ll say is “Look at Google!”. Talk about providing a million ways to waste time at work. Check out the video and see how tough they have it. They love their job but also are responsible to get the work done. I think it works out well for them.
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