Dear P1’s, let me take you back in time.  I’m sure everyone here is familiar with the current BaDD Radio hit segment “Gay/Not Gay” as well as the catchy theme song they have for it.  What you might not know is that the theme song for “Gay/Not Gay” is a takeoff of a classic Muser’s segment hosted by Craig “The Junes” Miller from about 11-12 years ago called “The Girl on Television That’s So Good Looking We’ll Have to Watch Out For Her Because She’s So Good Looking” (or TGOTVTSGLWHTWOFHBSSGL as he used to abbreviate it).  The premise of the segment was that he saw a girl on television that was SO good looking that we’ll have to watch out for her because she’s so good looking.  Basically, it was women who might catch your eye in random places like commercials, newscasts and such, and he wanted to alert the good P1 to watch out for her.  Such examples include former DFW Weatherperson Kristine Kahanek and the girl from the 1-800-Be-A-Geek commercial about 12 years ago (see pictures).  The date I have on it is June 2002, but it was already well established by that point.  Why do I post this right now?  Because I’ve had a few cocktails and have nothing better going on.  Sports.

Kristine Kahanek: Good Looking

1-800-Be-A-Geek Girl