Musers had a great talk about “The Aughts”. If you’re like me and hear them use this word all the time, but aren’t sure what the hell it means…here ya go:
The Aughts – The term sometimes encompasses both the closing and onset of an era, as it was felt to be a period of degeneration, but at the same time a period of hope for a new beginning.
The Musers go through what was big in the first decade of the 21st century. Great conversation to listen to, but I’m sure everyone had their own input on what was big beyond what they said. So here’s your forum to tell us what you thought was big. Here’s mine:
- “Where’s Greggo?” – The fall and rise and then fall again of the Hammer
- The WORST look ever where dudes walked around with their pants around their knees
- Of course, 9/11 and listening to the ticket during the whole thing
- “Um…Paul in uh…oh”
- Radiohead’s “In Rainbows” which they let you set the price you pay for it
- The Flu epidemics (Bird and Swine)
- Finding out chief Kunkle really did not like his gig
- Hurricane Katrina
- The deadliest natural disaster ever…the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean
- Google becoming a household name and a rival of Microsoft
- The landing of Mars Rovers and amazing images from the Red Planet
- And pretty much anything involving space exploration
Here’s the Musers talking about it.
“aught” is an old-fashoined way of saying “zero”. This decade is “the 00s”, so, therefore, “the aughts”. Nothing more to it.
i like that explanation much better and has to be what they mean on the lil ticket
I thought aught meant zero. The aughts meant the years with 00’s. 2000-2009
Looks like P3 beat me to it.