NIT Brake – The Sweet Spot 1.3.2025
Elf interrupts Saad.
Elf interrupts Saad.
Throw a flag on Dave.
Fireworks Matt.
The Cowboys suck.
DJ vs Satchel Paige
Does Jub know his brit bands?
Black forest Ham.
A big fat EA pigeon. Or ghost.
Pinterest Jub.
Dump it, DJ
Rex Ryan's foot obsession.
Animal mascots.
8-Bit theme songs.
Matt McClearin strikes again.
Disabled EA, Gruden, and the Sean Wow.
Breaking the law.
Jerry lands his helicopter on the practice field.
The Control Room has a bit song.
Jub invents Chex Mex.
Legitimate Craig Rosengarden.
The origin of drops: premature ejaculation nazi norm, slam deliciously, [...]
Will makes himself known.