8-Bit I.D. – The Invasion 9.13.2024
Travis brings a new game.
Travis brings a new game.
Sharing is caring, canceling gym memberships.
Trading friends for a championship, working in TV
The sampler platter returns.
Severance for a Super Bowl, trading dak
Holding doors, wrong way parking
Fisting vs fisting.
Awkward seating, shotgunning craft beer, school zones
Sneezing, burrito throwing, real life fights
The 8-bit Game v R&B.
Housekeeping early morning and Robert Wadlow
Rumors of war guy, leaving early, Nashville
Back to school jeopardy.
Matt goes to a pediatrician, autographs
Favorite player or family member is a serial killer, is [...]
Cemetery talk.
Parallel parking and mustaches.
An interview with comedian Shuckey Duckey.
Olympics dong, boiling water, gangrene
Washcloths, moisturizing, and Santa Claus
The whole saga around the training camp question: does Jerry [...]
Taking plane seats, backing in parking, what to do with [...]
Quotable movies, how long would Donovan last in water polo [...]
Jub joins to talk drop detox.