Nessie Talk – The Musers 4.19.2024
The Musers talk Nessie and Loch Ness.
The Musers talk Nessie and Loch Ness.
Salt Lake City soakers, Dicky Betts dies, Billy Joel, Tarantino [...]
Carlton gets rear ended.
Gordo talks about surviving at sea.
Ham takes on okra and hushpuppies, both of which he [...]
Sleep and sex toys.
Bochy talks about his birthday.
Tiger Woods continues to suck.
OJ goes to lower heaven.
OJ Simpons calls in from lower heaven.
Tiger Woods' son Charlie talks about his dad sparing everyone [...]
Elmer Wayne is back.
Eclipse talk, WNBA, and $50 bills are bad luck. [...]
Craig presents 2024 Rangers walk-up songs.
Jerry Jones talks the eclipse.
Jub talks his Jam and Pat Green joins.
All the Ticket coverage of the total eclipse, from EA's [...]
Clippy the eclipse scientist joins the Musers.
Norm returns to The Ticket to tell some jokes. [...]
Travis says, "F the IRA"
Conan, Rosanne loves Trump, Paul McCartney, the Beach Boys, and [...]
All of the April Fool's Open postgame from all shows. [...]
The real Larry the Cable Guy talks to the Musers. [...]
Jerry Jones talks about KC's stadium trouble and the unauthorized [...]
The whole bloody affair.