E-Brake – 5.26.17
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Gordo slapping sound Steve [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Gordo slapping sound Steve [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Killer fail Corby bear [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Dingu not listening George [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Mike Star Wars! Corby [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: George auto farts Monty [...]
Bad Radio reviews a number of notable stammers from some [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Corby adds a dick [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Mike does a-hole Norm's [...]
A caller from Friday's e-brake featuring Sirois vs Monty reminded [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Sirois vs Monty Mike [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: FM signal Hasselhoff young [...]
Dan doesn't know how to talk to celebrities and the [...]
Bad Radio turns to their callers for help when the [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Norm gets fingered Intern [...]
The Hardline enjoys Killer's latest e-brake masterpiece and later on [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Gordo s-bomb TC failed [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Norm lost Dan joke [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Dingu wet his pants [...]
After predicting one of their best shows ever, the Musers [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Charles Barkley s-bomb TC [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Dingu not listening TC [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Dingu vs Corby Corby [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: TC ticker Mike lost [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Killer shake voice/not listening [...]
The Emergency Brake of the Week: Jason Garrett f-bomb Sirois [...]