The Birdouse – The Invasion 5.15.2024
Hating players, commercials, keeping a chain restaurant from going out [...]
Hating players, commercials, keeping a chain restaurant from going out [...]
Musical instrument talk.
Snagglepuss makes a big appearance talking about Deep Night Ticket. [...]
The Musers review the Starz "post-game" from night 2 of [...]
Ya party, part 2?
The whole crew for WTDS.
The Invasion give their night 1 recap.
The $50 million 48 hour beer challenge.
Bally's, movies and phones, elevator bear trap
Campound 2024 Night 1 12 AM to 545 AM. [...]
All the late night Campound, 7 PM to 12 AM. [...]
Playoff combos, ignored wives, campound.
Travis highlights recent posts on Craigslist Missed Connections.
Dog waste bags, movies, paying for the person behind you, [...]
Check writing, elevator conversations.
Water, someone else's mail, fast food orders, parking.
Playoff hypothetical, hated players, could the Ticket beat Kuwait hockey [...]
Gymnastics, scuba Steve, hot NFL guys, having friends, manly silence, [...]
Zipper merges, pressbox revenge, double negatives, hat blocking on Broadway [...]
Sleep and sex toys.
Dogs v tennis, people sitting next to you, merging, [...]
Being outside, blacking out games, the best dips, chips. [...]
Eclipse talk, WNBA, and $50 bills are bad luck. [...]
Donnie talks about his trip to L.A.