Chris Chris – Douche Poverty Line – 8.6.20
Musers Bunker A.I., also known as Simon, knows all. [...]
No one has a way with words quite like [...]
Ragonk, Wifi, Was Hee Haw On for you? Revisiting [...]
Christmas Santa's lesser known cousin likes to sneak in [...]
Still pumping steroids into his anus
"Let's all stay inside and play with our bulbous [...]
Jacques Jacques Pierre Frenchman. The...ehh, how you say....OLDEST LIVING CYCLIST. [...]
After twenty-some years we finally hear from the original [...]
Best new character of 2020.
We are experiencing a classic bit renaissance. [...]
Muffin pops up during Muse in the News, and returns [...]
Covers Uncovered Vol 267 features songs by U2, Taylor [...]