Sunday Night, May 18th, 2008, will go down as one of the most memorable concerts of my life. Radiohead, whom I had never seen in concert before, but absolutely can’t get enough of, was playing at (aka Starplex). The second the tickets went on sale, I was on ticketmaster trying to buy them. My first round was 4 reserved, then tried twice more and ‘thought’ I scored 8 more lawn tickets. Well, ticketmaster is smarter than I thought and they only sent me 4 reserved.

This was an issue. I had 11 other friends that were already confirmed to go to the show, including 2 that flew in from Denver, but only 4 tickets. I finally decided this was going to be an awesome show and paid a visit to Eventually I had 12 VIP tickets that put us center stage, about 5-6 rows back from general admission. They were perfect seats for a perfect show.

Danny Balis and Corby Davidson were at the show, evidently right behind us which I’ll get to in a minute, but they did a segment on The Ticket about it. Play this audio while reading the rest (thanks to BabyArm for the audio):

Mind you, there were basically 12 people that are really good at drinking with us. We hit the ice house prior, which was after we had a pre-party. Needless to say once Radiohead hit the stage, we weren’t sober. You might think, “why be so drunk during a great show?”. Well, the show was a sobering experience, but was also intoxicating at the same time. It was surreal. I love going to concerts and use to see bands all the time in my younger years, but this was definitely the best concert I’ve ever seen. (Replaced Coldplay at Red Rocks, CO).

During a quiet song “Exit Music (for a film)”, which you’ll hear Danny and Corby talk about, one of our friends decided it was a great point to scream “HOOK’EM HORNS!”. He has this knack about screaming things at the worst (or best) times and has a really loud yell. It was definitely a good laugh for us. (Side note: There was a heckler that yelled out “TOMMY” a bit into the song, which Thom kind of put in his place calling him a ‘funny guy’. This is what probably instigated our friend to yell out his Longhorn mating call. Our friend is around 1:18 of this video.)

If you’re reading this from a city where Radiohead is soon to play, I would highly recommend seeing the show. Like the Hardline said, though, if you aren’t that into Radiohead, I would suggest listening to their new cd “In Rainbows” beforehand. It is the majority of music played.

Here is the full set list Radiohead played in Dallas:

Radiohead Set List
18 May 2008

01. All I Need
02. There There
03. 15 Step
04. Bangers and Mash
05. Nude
06. Pyramid Song
07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
08. The National Anthem
09. Dollars and Cents
10. Faust Arp
11. Videotape
12. A Wolf At The Door
13. Optimistic
14. Reckoner
15. Everything In Its Right Place
16. Idioteque
17. Bodysnatchers

Encore One:

18. Fake Plastic Trees
19. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
20. House of Cards
21. Exit Music (For A Film)
22. The Bends

Encore Two:

23. You and Whose Army?
24. Paranoid Android

Here are some more pictures taken and a video from youtube. You can actually watch quite a few videos from this show by clicking here. The stage setup was one of the coolest I’ve ever seen. Very moody to go along with their very moody music.