In case you haven’t heard, Greggo has been a sidekick on the Richard Hunter show on NPR 1360AM.
Evidently, Greggo loss control the other day on his show and was all over the place.
You can listen to the show over at Richard Hunter Show dot com.
The spaced out Greggo was bad enough, but the phone calls and questions to Greggo were completely horrible.
Poor, poor Greggo.
man, that’s sad
I didn’t hear Greggo in his final days at the Ticket, but if he sounded anything like he did in this audio, I don’t know how the Hardline didn’t get thrown the damn hell off the air. I hope he gets some help.
The only thing sad is the BDH and others are not calling Greggo out. The callers are right and Greggo needs to get his shiznit figured out. There isn’t much further to fall in the radio realm. The drop from 1310 to 1360 is not small. . .
Agree w/ Dude in D. Watched the video and it is apparent that Sweet Greggo is bombed. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc. etc. It is sad that BDH seems to, if not enable, then excuse that type of rambling nonsense as a “prescription imbalance”. Where I come from that means inebriation. Richie Whitt seems to buy the explanation hook, line, and sinker over on the DO website, too, which isn’t altogether surprising.
At what time of the stream are the phone calls?
This still available anywhere?
It’s apparently lost to the anals of history