Dunham & Rhyner show today had a little discussion about when and when ‘not’, to pick up the check when you’re out to dinner.
The part of the audio right before it’s picked up is them talking about how David Beckham invited all of his soccer teammates out for dinner and when the check showed up, he gave the server his
credit card and told them to put his $30 something dollars on his card.The boys go into when it’s right to go solo and when it’s right to take one for the team.
Evidently, Gordo has not taken one for the team in a long time…to the tune of $13k, per Jaa.
Rhyner says he scoreboards his crew all the time. I commend Rhynes for being the big baller he is and taking care of his boys. Then again, he’s always got alligator gars on his mind and isn’t thinking straight.
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