Thought this would be fun to see how much of a P1 everyone is. For example, how often do you listen? How many radios do you tune into the Ticket (as the promo says we have to do)? Do you talk Ticket lingo with your friends and/or family? Do you speak in drops? Do you think of good drops to play while listening? Do you have ticket apparel you wear on a constant rotation? What else do you do? These type of questions…

I figured I’d start it out and show how much of a P1 dork I really am:

  • I wake up and immediately turn on the ticket around 6:30am (my wife likes it on too)
  • We have a radio on upstairs and one on downstairs during the morning
  • When I go to the gym, I workout to the Musers…not music, like most normal people
  • My radio in my vehicle rarely changes from 1310. When it does, it’s usually to 104.1 if the reception on 1310 is bad. Other times is when the main shows are off and I listen to music
  • At work, the ticket is ALWAYS on, I just turn it up or down depending on whether I’m listening
  • Oh yeah, I also feed another radio into my computer to record audio for this site (thanks to BabyArm)
  • I spend a lot of time on this site, just for fun
  • I often answer questions from friends with ticket drops
  • Most of my friends also speak in ticket lingo when we’re around each other
  • I used to have a ticket t-shirt, but it’s gone because I wore it out (not sexually)
  • I once started singing the tune of “Captain Doodoo” while taking a dump

This is bad enough…I can keep going, but I’ll let others chime in.