obviously Jon G. did not listen to the rant. Norm was unfortunately right. no complaints about the refs in the 1st 2 games of the series but when the Mavs started sucking then the refs were the problem.
You should always think the refs are going to suck and plan to beat them too. If always want to blame the refs then your team picks up on it.
The opening of Norm’s rant brough this visual to mind:
Please post the Norm vs Blu in the grove from a couple of years ago. It was the infamous “Don’t you damn call here again!!!!!!”
This is the greatest of all successes.
Norm is such an idiot when it comes to stuff like this.
He’ll never accept that referee incompetence/bias affected the outcome of a game/series.
Norm can be the nicest guy. (In person, or on the phone)BUT when he snaps its great! So many drop possibilites. “A BAD TACO”
obviously Jon G. did not listen to the rant. Norm was unfortunately right. no complaints about the refs in the 1st 2 games of the series but when the Mavs started sucking then the refs were the problem.
You should always think the refs are going to suck and plan to beat them too. If always want to blame the refs then your team picks up on it.