
The UnTicket is looking for some fellow bloggers to join us in making theunticket.com even better. KTCK 1310 The Ticket has so much that can be talked about over here, but it’s impossible for a couple P1’s to keep up with it all. We have lives that kind of get in the way (pfft, what a poor excuse!) so if there are any P1’s that are interested in helping make this blog better with more information, audio, images or whatever else you can add, WE WANT YOU!

Ideally, getting 1-2 people on each show would be nice, but that’s a perfect world. If you are interested, these are our requirements to join in on our fun:

  • You HAVE TO LISTEN to The Ticket! (duh!)
  • You must be familiar with WordPress and blogging.
  • Photoshop skills are a plus, but just the ability to use images is good
  • Capturing audio/editing audio to use on posts are a huge plus
  • Most importantly, you need to be a huge fan of The Ticket. Those who aren’t need not apply

If you meet these requirements and are interested, we’d love to hear from you.