The Ticket has been around for quite some time, but there haven’t always been drops.  I remember back when drops first started surfacing regularly, and it was more of a game to see who could edit words together to make someone say something funny.  Since that time, drops have become a huge part of what makes the Ticket…well, The Ticket.  So, in honor of that spirit, I am going to list my top 5 favorite drops.  Put in a comment as to what your favorite drops of all time are.

5.  “I prefer a male” – George Dunham 

As far back as I can remember, this was one of the very first drops to make its way onto the airwaves.  It was spliced together, probably by Gordo, and became a big hit almost instantly.  To me, this is where the drop revolution really got started.

4. “No, no, no, no, no, never, never, never, no!” – Norm Hitzges

I love how this drop gets played at Stars games.  It is just a bit too long to get thrown in most situations, but it has really found a place in the P1’s hearts.

3.  “Any of Norm’s sexual noises” – Norm Hitzges

Norm makes an innocent noise while talking about a cop in a donut shop in Sheboygan.  Life goes on, right? Not if Grubes has anything to say about it.  Danny’s boy toy has masterfully turned these innocent drops into some of the funniest radio of all time.

2.  “I like to eat” – Greg Williams

Although we don’t get to hear it anymore, these four words defined Greggo better than any other four words (as long as we are being nice).  Anytime this drop was fired off, it made me laugh, no matter what was going on.

1. “Why are you yelling?  You’re a foot from me” – Phil Mickelson

Gribble got him to say it, and since that moment, it has been drop gold.  I could almost listen to this drop on repeat and it wouldn’t bug me.  Most of the magic of this drop comes from how well the board ops use it in timely situations, but just the monotone nature of Phil’s voice and the total disdain for the peon he is speaking to makes this my all time favorite drop.

Your turn. What are your favorite drops and why?