The Ticket has been around for quite some time, but there haven’t always been drops. I remember back when drops first started surfacing regularly, and it was more of a game to see who could edit words together to make someone say something funny. Since that time, drops have become a huge part of what makes the Ticket…well, The Ticket. So, in honor of that spirit, I am going to list my top 5 favorite drops. Put in a comment as to what your favorite drops of all time are.
5. “I prefer a male” – George Dunham
As far back as I can remember, this was one of the very first drops to make its way onto the airwaves. It was spliced together, probably by Gordo, and became a big hit almost instantly. To me, this is where the drop revolution really got started.
4. “No, no, no, no, no, never, never, never, no!” – Norm Hitzges
I love how this drop gets played at Stars games. It is just a bit too long to get thrown in most situations, but it has really found a place in the P1’s hearts.
3. “Any of Norm’s sexual noises” – Norm Hitzges
Norm makes an innocent noise while talking about a cop in a donut shop in Sheboygan. Life goes on, right? Not if Grubes has anything to say about it. Danny’s boy toy has masterfully turned these innocent drops into some of the funniest radio of all time.
2. “I like to eat” – Greg Williams
Although we don’t get to hear it anymore, these four words defined Greggo better than any other four words (as long as we are being nice). Anytime this drop was fired off, it made me laugh, no matter what was going on.
1. “Why are you yelling? You’re a foot from me” – Phil Mickelson
Gribble got him to say it, and since that moment, it has been drop gold. I could almost listen to this drop on repeat and it wouldn’t bug me. Most of the magic of this drop comes from how well the board ops use it in timely situations, but just the monotone nature of Phil’s voice and the total disdain for the peon he is speaking to makes this my all time favorite drop.
Your turn. What are your favorite drops and why?
“…taint on taint…”
“You got a Carly box?”
The Lakers make the call, all that and next…
5) Stupid Bitch (Rhynes)
4) Yeah! (Little kid)
3) Yeah right, right (Edna)
2) What size bra do you where (Greggo)
1) Get the clothes off bitch (Greggo)
“Sounds good.” –Nolan Ryan
“…uh, Paul in…” – Ja
“They were inseparable…”
Uh…Paul in…(George during the 9/11 moment of silence) everytime they play this i laugh my ass off so hard.
Mine have to be any of Mike’s “Hey Corby, guess what I have in my pants”
i think “Oh, a phong is ringin” and “Michael Trabtree” are the most famous and are going to be the longest live drops. i hear it atleast 3 times a day still during wtds and its still hilarious, i wanna know how long they’ll stay popular
Have you ever thought about it?
“They got free sandwiches” -Greggo
” STUPID BITCH! ” – Mike
” I WILL BEAT YO ASS! ” – Johnny Showtime Barnes ( I believe )
It’s fun to do bad thangs.
OH! A phong is ringing… Michael Trabtree…
Anyone know where to get that, or Ja’s ringtone from 10/28/2009?
here’s a downloadable mp3 of just Deion just saying “OH! A phong is ringin”
Robot Greggo – “Hasmat uniform”
Fort Worth the Caddie’s emphysema laugh and his “Go Fort Worth…go Fort Worth…Fort Worth is in the house”.
Don’t want ya, yer fat! – Greggo
That SLUT I married! – Snake
“Harry Cox!! Big Harry Cox!!!” – Chuck Cooperstein
and I will nominate any of the old Fake Billy Tubbs rants
Adios Mofo – Rick Perry
Greggo: “Puff Daddy!”
Norm: “Eight?!”
Norm: “He’s black.”
Deion: “I don’t know what that isss.”
Rocko: “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya.”
Darren Hambrick: “What do voluntary mean?”
Deion: “Thousands, consequently millions.”
Norm: “I’m gonna fix it. I’m gonna fix it. I’m gonna fix it. I’m gonna fix it.”
Jerry: “You know how bad I got criticized?”
Norm: “I’m sorry; that’s it! That’s it.”
Norm: “Oh, jeeze. Oh, jeeze. Oh, jeeze.”
I have to go with “Truck full of Mexicans”…classic Wolf. I also liked “I appeciate dat” by the generic black guy.
Greggo: “Get the clothes off, bitch.”
“Hey, Dill!” Cobra
“I grew up in the 60s” Mike
“I’ve got a flask in my car if anyone wants to join me for an after hours drink” Danny
“sure” Tiny Dan
“Oh, a phone is ringing!” Donnie
“I am Sports Sturm!” Bob
“YaHootie!” Norm
“I’ve got the baby feeders.” George
I’m a year oner so I remember Fax Fodder, Gordo and Jennifer late nights, The Sports Princess, Roco, Skip Bayless and the long list of other former shows and hosts. I’ll be a Tickethead until the day I die! Stay Hard!
I love George’s, “I like black trim.”
“That has to be the most calloused response.”
“Isn’t it fun to be able to laugh?” – Norm
“They were inseparable” – Pete Rose’s sister
I don’t think it’s technically a drop, but the Tony Romo shark… “football, footbaLL, footBALL,FOOTBALL, FOOTball, FOotball, Football, football”
Yeah, the correct phrase:
“I like black trim” by George.
It was on the Ticket Drop Page on their website for awhile, even though they banned it quickly from rotation.
That one is one of the best.
Robot Greggo’s “That theory cannot be proven” is one that constantly pops into my head during life.
Others that I like for various reasons: “Stand back, burrito!”; “Have a hot Carl”; the incorrect call letters for the UNT radio station “KUNT”; Grubes’ Hangover drops. The Reconsider Lounge drops are great (e.g., sister’s stinky box; etc.) but they are contrived jokes, so I don’t find them as memorably funny.
hey whats the name of the song that bad radio returns with sometimes that has the lyrics 4 kinds of nachos..
Last train to awesometown I believe.
where’s the bottom 5 list?
“you ever see a guy with a fake head?”
Any of the “Fat Joe left Atlantic” stuff still makes me laugh. I’m a little surprised nobody else mentioned it. Otherwise…
“Yeah wall!”
“There’s more money in boobs than God.”
“Former Ranger great.” – Particularly in the Hammer days when it didn’t apply.
“I love Adolf Hitler…”
How about:
“Dan’s world, Dan’s world, party time” -Sturm
“Smokes wif cigarrettes” and “it’s fun to do bad things” -Latarian
“That slut that I married” -Cobra
“I like cussing, gettin’ drunk, and foolin’ around with women” -Deep Dish Danny
and a new favorite…
“Are your nipples black?” -Mike
Well #%#% me! – Fake Norm
I grew up in the 60’s – The Old Grey Wolf
Uh..Paul in… – Ja
That slut that I married. – Snake
Donavon, sit your black butt down! – Norm
One more..”Oh, a phong is ringing!” – Deion Sanders
“BORING”! – author unknown
“stop this crap” – Real Jerry
“I rear ended a gentleman” – Bob Sturm
“Oh my God, Danny” – Fake Greggo
Any fart drop (blamed on Jub)
Yes…that pleases me.
“Are your nipples black?” -Mike
“Uh…Paul..In” – George
“I love you Jane….BWAHAHAHAHAOOOOHHHAHHAOH!” – The Musers laughing at Mike Snyder
“Yeah wall!”
“GET YOUR ASS HUNG UP ON NOW YOU IDIOT!” – Danny “I have a flask” Balis
Its fun doin’ Bad Things. . . Smokes real cigarettes!
George: “I like black trim”.
8 Dollar Dar
Not sure why it gets me everytime.
Wow this thread is still going.
Ok, the best ever was Gribble’s wife saying:
“I’m about to fart.”
It starts with her asking Flake Boy to not record her while she’s in the restroom. Probably ex-wife by now.
Get Your ass hung up on now!
(George Fart) well the kids like that… yeeeeaaaaah
“Freak!” ~ Ancarlo (or Darrell and Carlo…POW!)
“POW POW!” ~ Any and all ticket staff
“I think you’re wrong” ~ The all time E-Brake champ Craig Rosengarden
“The Anus?!?” ~ Rick Arnett
“Thousands, consequently millions.” – Deion
“I don’t know what that is.” – Deion
“Right.” – Fake Galloway
The “Awww… Mike” montage.
Least favorite? That rim shot with the guy yelling something indistinguishable like, “What about me?!” This drop ruins more good bits than anything. I hate it when Jeremy plays it over a good line by any of Gordo’s characters. The morning show needs another “drop retirement” segment!
Here’s a good question… Who’s drops do you like best?
The Musers
Bob and Dan
The Hardline
Each have their own little drop subculture.
Stand back burrito!!! & BORING!!! Get me everytime. I like Danny’s, “Breaking News… Michael Jackson dead at age 50!” Mike & Snake play it from time to time & it just eats Danny up.
I think the rimshot says, “From the Northeast!”
I think Grubes is better than Jer, but not by much. Grubes seems to be given way more leeway with his drops, which means they have the chance to be much funnier, but they also fall flat a lot of the time because they are so often.
I like how the Hard Line doesn’t care what gets made into drops. The way Gordo changes his voice when he says something that can be made into drops is kind of cowardly. The Hard Line realizes the comedy that comes from a good drop, and the Musers are kind of afraid of them.
But I like the Musers overall better. It is interesting how each show has a “drops personality” that is totally different than the other shows. I love the way Grubes will throw in a Norm drop. Those tend to be the funniest ones that happen.
I totally agree. The Hard Line gets a little confusing sometimes because there are so many drops that blend (almost) seamlessly into their conversations. (Then again, sometimes it’s really funny. I don’t get to listen to the HL as much, so I’m often caught off-guard since I’m not too familiar with their drops.)
And despite Gordo’s cowardliness, the “altered voice” and words like “grexual” have kind of become D&M shtick, don’t you think? I find myself listening extra careful and yelling “mark!” when I think they’ve accidentally let something that could be taken out of context slide.
Also (for better or worse), I find myself altering my own voice, Gordo-style, when I say something off-color at home or at work. It’s not intentional at all. Actually, I caught my wife doing that the other day in a conversation.
It’s weird how the Ticket rubs off on us! The pastor at our old church used Ticket jargon in his sermons. Certain phrases just become part of the DFW lexicon, I guess (wheels-off/off!, whip, beaten down, havin’ fun, etc.). I don’t know how many radio stations can claim that!
5. Zach Galifinakis: “Mark that under, “Who gives a shit.””
4. Robot Chicken Unicorn: “Yes. That pleases me.”
3. Norm: “Oh Yes…”
2. Danny (heard off mic): “It doesn’t matter.”
1. Mush Mouth: “You hear me!”