A little update regarding closing or selling the site.
It starts with the crew watching the Mavs (sorry excuse for a) game against OKC and then it goes on through the night where it ends with the power hour boys, Donovan and Corby, along with Dan, taking calls from girls. In between you have a little bit of everything. The only part not included is during the Mavs post-game, Followill and Seabass played Carlisle audio and I guess talked about the game, but those of us streaming know it was nothing but 30 minutes of commercials (not included). Rest of it is here in all it’s glory.
Would somebody take that f’n guitar away from George! Good God!
He needs to promote his band!
Loved the end with Danny
Late Night Fail. The only time they should be taking calls from women is if Gordon is awake and participating. I dont care that Donna in Sachse thinks Corby is the cutest. #compund2012
I’m sure Catttt with four Ts is taking your notes to heart.
If you use hashtags outside of twitter, you’re SG
I need an official ruling on this. #GayOrNotGay
Well shit… #NoFuneral
#DIE #inafire
I think if your on twitter you are a british cigarette so this whole question is moot.
So are ther any pictures at the campsite. The tickets website has old pictures and they dont have them in any order … I want pictures of funny stuff dammit. Lazy bastards