Day 3 of the Musers Campout was all about reflection, nudity, and about Gordo’s need to be on TV. P1’s also got a hint of the “Abrasive and Over-The-Top” Corby that used to dominate the airwaves. It’s broken up into two parts, with custom drops inserted between segments (my homage to the mighty Grubes and Jer):
Part 1 includes:
- Musers recap of Rhynes’s power hour
- Recap of Rhynes’s tearful retirement speech
- Shaving and Hitler
- The Channel 8 News … uh, lady invades the Campout
- Gordo’s wakeup calls (Corby and Dan)
- Dan shows his penis
- Who “won” the campout
- Final Rose ceremony
- Norm talks camping and growing up
- E-Brake
Part 2 includes:
- Dan complaining about some of the conditions
- Thanking Grubes for helping out
- More campout review
- Kicking Corby in the nuts for wussing out early on Day 2
- Surviving the Game
- How to kill the engineers
- Screenless and WTDS
- Corby’s small-town police story
- Rhynes backpedals
- Corby rails on Channel 8
BONUS Content! A string of drops that I pulled for spacing out segments. Most are from the 25th, some from the week after. Some aren’t included above. Enjoy!
How did no one catch Mike saying “full nudal frontity”