I mashed 3 segments into one long one here. They are:
- Ask a Pilot Questions
- George Fly’s Flight Simulator
- Gordo Fly’s Flight Simulator
Pilot segment is good because Musers ask all the questions we’ve always wanted to know the answers to (even though Cirque De Sirois had this segment before). George simulation gets things going with comments from the peanut gallery…and then notice the poor pilot’s attitude start to change when Gordo takes the driver seat. The constant calling of the flight attendants had me cracking up.
Captain’s voice = slightly younger Jesse the Usher
Gagree. Has a sweet case of whistle speak.
Outstanding observation, he does!
“An engine fawr”
I loved Gordo’s pilot imitations too, “Well folks if you look off to your right you can see Forney!”
“Flight attendants, we have an engine fire, see if you can keep some peace back there”