The next installment of Bacsik-gate can be found on the San Antonio version of the ticket. Mike called in and tried to apologize, but he got his wheels completely shot off by Bruce Bowen before, during and after the interview. Fortunately, the co-hosts of the show tried to be bigger men and allow Mike to try and apologize (which resulted in Bruce inferring that the hosts themselves were closet racists among other things).

An interesting listen, except for whenever Bowen decides to chime in. If Bacsik wants to make amends with people with the mindset of Bowen, he’s got a long way to go. Good luck, Chewie.

Direct Podcast Link Here

If the above link doesn’t work, go here and select the “TMD 5-04-2010 7AM” clip for full pre- and post-interview context.
Link to Podcast Site Here

[Update] Some additional audio worth listening to is available in the “TMD 5-04-2010 8AM” clip, approximately 18 minutes in.

[Update 2 by DP] Pulled the audio and edited it out. You can listen to the segment and pre/post discussion in the player below. (also had to weigh in on a comment below…Bruce Bowen is a dick!)