George took the wheel for a segment to tell us all about a life altering event that happened in his hometown.
I’ll keep it short and let you listen to this pretty emotional segment. I’m sure there are many P1’s with puffy eyes walking around this morning.
By popular demand, P1’s have requested the reactions from Junior and Gordon during the 8:40 segment. So here it is:
Please post the 8:40 segment that followed. It’s great to have an emotional and serious segment on The Ticket every now and then, especially when it’s followed up by a humor-filled segment that makes fun of the serious one!
I vow that I will not change the dial when the Ticket mouse or fake michelle wie are on.
Stay hard George. That was very emotional. That drawing back of the curtain into their lives is what separates the Ticket from everything else.
Listening to this was really the highlight of my week. Thanks George for opening up about this, and reminding us how short life is, and how quick it can be taken away.
This is one of the most memorable segments I’ve heard on the ticket. I was welling up with emotion and had to fight back tears. Very real stuff from Jah.
I couldn’t fight them off! They flowed like rain and that was alright. Great segment.
I was getting a tad misty-eyed, I must say. The main thing I’ve come away with wanting to do is keeping up with family. I’ve felt pretty bad about loosing touch with Mom’s side over the years since she’s passed. (although they do call me and Dad from time to time, it’s not as often as I’d like to hear from everyone) On the other hand, While I was close to Mom’s side back then, I have become closer with Dad’s side of the family in recent years. Sort of catching up on lost time as it were, but I still feel completely and totally stupid for not talking to and visiting with my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins directly in a few years.
This hit home for me too but in a good way, because I myself had a Georgio-type epiphany about a month back and I’m already making some much needed tune-ups in my life.
Hearing George’s story was a confirmation that I made the right decision.
Thank you Jub for you courage, and for giving me a reminder to keep moving forward with the process of improving my life and wasting less days. What you wanna do is stack positive days on top of positive days, and that will help you with the process of moving forward. Wow that was very Jason Garrett, my apologies.
Can’t say enough about what courage it took for George to lay out his feelings like that. I would’ve chickened out or cried on air if I didn’t.
I honestly think George is the only one of that trio that could really do something like this. Gordon is a deep thinking emotional type for sure but just hates to show it (it would be a weakness for such a Bug Bunny type to reveal). And Craig, well he’s so “even Steven”, I don’t know if he COULD get very emotional over anything.
And as much of a man-crush I have for Gordon Keith and his genius humor, I felt a little uncomfortable with them so quickly poking fun at “life-changing” ideas/resolutions. They shoulda let it go where George left it and just talked about other things. They did such a good job adding to the original segment… but they just couldn’t handle anyone thinking they weren’t shallow again.
I agree that the segment should have been left alone. I know they are all good friends and there was no ill-intention but it was such a powerful segment that it deserved a degree of reverence, as crazy as that sounds. But anyway, great stuff. Love ya, Jah