First, thanks to all you good-goods for the kind words about my wife and kids. Everyone is doing much better and it will be a long couple of months recovering, but at least they can recover. I’m partially back, so while I’ll try to keep up with current and past audio.
Obviously missing last week was big since there is so much audio gold during Super Bowl week, so if you guys can think of days and time of audio gold, post a comment below and I’ll do my best to get it posted.
The last thing is … do you like this gig?
YES! The triumphant return of DP! Welcome back brutha! Also, got a queery re: posting audio… but we’ll discuss this behind closed doors in UnTicket central.
You’ve still done more than Chris House does. I love how there are no podcasts on the days of stars games. Thanks alot bin laden
Gordo had a pretty funny wireless moment last Tuesday between 9-930 where he asked another radio host if he was in love and it produced a lot of tension.
I was curious too, what program do you use to record the shows?
Glad to hear the family is doing well. George endured a good kick in the nuts during Friday’s E-Brake. I’d love to see it posted if possible.
@Earthquake Baby – ok, i’ll dig into the corner to see if I can find it…thanks!
@JE – thank you and I’ll get the e-brake posted
Glad everyone is doing ok!
@ticketmouse – thanks mr. mouse
@hardlinep1insandiego – chris house? HA! he’s the over-talker.
@chris – appreciate ya pal !
What happened to your family?
Ahhh, this was a few years ago. My 8 month preggo wife and my other 3 kids were in a head on collision. It was amazing once I got there that no one died after seeing the wreckage. Wife went through several surgeries, but we’re all good. Kiddo came a little early, but she’s perfectly fine. Thx for asking