Mike, my good P1 buddy, has recorded the internet stream for years. When he had more free time on his hands, he used to break out the bits and send the audio my way. As a result, I have a small collection of stuff from 2004. This is one of my favorites. Junior and Gordo begin to question Jub about his ex-girlfriends on-air; in particular, one who apparently broke up with him to begin dating former New York Giants tight end Mark Bavaro. Fernando gets in on it and transforms the whole scene into a press conference.
Source: 2004 Internet Stream
If you have any old Ticket audio, particularly digital Drop Page archives prior to 2004, stream recordings, or even any old broadcast.com archives, I’d appreciate hearing from you:
KTCK Classic Vol. II
Very funny, the segment gets better and better as it digresses into the press conference.