Today Kris Kris made an appearance and talked about how he was in the NBA and the Lakers were going to sign him. When asked where he played in college, he said he never played college ball, he was a high school phe-nom, even though he never played high school ball, they probably just saw him around in gyms hoop’n it up.

If you see some 30k millionaire riding around in a cigarette boat driving over piers talking overly loud, it’s probably Kris Kris with the best e-cig.

$30,000 Millionaire Movie (Kris Kris Productions)

$30,000 Millionaire Description (Kris Kris Writing Agency)

$30,000 Millionaire Myspace (Kris Kris Web LLC)

$30,000 Millionaire Press (Kris Kris in the News)