The UnTicket’s very own Jerusalem Jackson called into Friday Night’s Diamond Talk to share his divine wisdom with us! Revel in his holy Baseball message, UnP1’s! Also, derive mirth and merriment from a breathless SeaBass opening the show!
The UnTicket’s very own Jerusalem Jackson called into Friday Night’s Diamond Talk to share his divine wisdom with us! Revel in his holy Baseball message, UnP1’s! Also, derive mirth and merriment from a breathless SeaBass opening the show!
Hammered. But I do enjoy being on the ticket every time I’m on it.
I enjoyed your sports points tremendously, Father! Do you remember who was running the board? Poop said that they sent you straight to the front of the caller line.
First, great photoshop pic!
If drunken memory serves, it was the great Kevin Turner.
Thanks! I think I got the antlers up-side down though. Oh well, you never know how Photoshop is gonna ack, under the big lights.
My favorite parts of this post:
I believe it was Kevin Turner. KNTU’s own.
DP, perfect points and right on the money. Why did it seem like everyone was running around right before they went on air? I will have to say, number 2 had me lol-cry-laughing.
As it turns out, it’s because they literally did sprint over to the Dr. Pepper Junior ballpark the moment the game was over. I guess that merits a pass!
I guess JJ does NOT, in fact, remember the time he spends listening to Sports Radio 1310, The Ticket.