One of the songs I thoroughly enjoyed at Ticketstock was performed by TC Fleming and Jake Kemp (Jake Z). They took the song “It’s So Cold in the D” and rewrote the lyrics for Corby Davidson being married. There might have been a little more audio, but this is the meat of it.
absolutely awful. these two need to stop ruining the ticket.
i think you’re wrong
Don’t you damn comment again here! Watched some Cirque TV and Jake Z has something. Pretty clever that one.
Jake is alright. TC is the only thing (besides race week ) that is an automatic turn the station. Can’t even listen to BAD Radio podcast because of him.
I am not anit JakeZ or TC, but that was pretty painful.
I hate TC just as much as anybody, but I’ve got to give them some credit on this one. I thought Jake over delivered on this. He’s got something, just don’t know what. If you could ever peel him off the career cancer that is Top Cat, you could probably find his usefulness explode.
The Z-ster is pure gold. I could take or leave TC, but he goes great with Jake.
The haters need to STFU (breastmilk). If the little Ticket stays afloat, at least one of these two is it’s future. And maybe the Sorois.