After all the years of helping P1’s re-listen, I think new audio will be hard to come by with their move to iheart radio. If someone has any suggestions or know of a way around it, let me know.
stay hard UnP1’s
Getting good suggestions on how to maybe keep this thing going. And the stream is working again.
Thanks to @JohnJustin here is the new stream url. Hopefully it doesn’t change again
Did you get a message from them? The TuneIn stream is still working. I know we’ve assumed that when it goes to iHeart the other streaming options will go away, but do we know that for sure?
I tried to listen on the iOS app this morning and got a message in the app saying that “This stream is not supported”. It works through my laptop and the WunderRadio app on iOS, but TuneIn seems to be blocked now.
tunein radio iOS app wasn’t working this morning but seems to be now.
I’m listening to TuneIn stream now on Iphone, working great
How about you stream it on a dedicated PC, then capture your sound (with windows sounds disabled) with freecorder, audacity, or whatever the adobe flavor of audio software is…
I was going to recommend using Soundflower with Garageband. Same idea, different OS. Works great and it’s flexible! “I know from experience dude, if you know what I mean…well, not me personally, but a guy I know…”
I can’t get The Ticket to even appear on the iheartradio search. Had to use WunderRadio this morning.
By the way-did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? HELL NO!
that was the japanese, good job paying attention in school
Germans???? wrong ethnic group
I guess they never saw animal house…
Guys, it’s a quote from “Animal House”. He was making a joke.
I’ve heard good things about Tapin Radio, haven’t tried it yet
Please tell me this is sarcasm. I don’t know what to say…..
Nobody else saw Animal House? Guess not all P1s operate on a sense of humor. Sorry Mr. Hemmoroid Jackson, the world just isnt ready for funny.
TuneIn still working on the iPad (though was down until 6am or so this morning).
Not for me.
I get the same message as the above user (not compatible…)
I’m guessing that it won’t be working for you soon if it is even still available.
TuneIn was flaky this morning for me as well. (I also got that “not supported” message.)
I was able to get it back up and running (on 3G, no less) by shutting down the app, clearing it from my background apps, and re-launching. Sometimes it took 2 or 3 tries. Sometimes I toggled back and forth between other streams. Sometimes I jumped back and forth between 3G and WiFi.
All, in all, the steps above worked well enough to keep my ears listening… but here’s hoping something improves soon.
Aren’t there enough P1s to make Cumulus take notice if we all signed an online petition, Facebook group, etc.?
The stream was so bad last week that I actually had to listen to Ben & Skin on 103.3 (which was after about 30 minutes of listening to nothing, hoping the stream would kick back in).
I did the same and Tune In Radio is now working again on my iPhone.
After getting the “not supported message” this morning – the above technique got me back on TuneIn
It worked for me as well. Thanks.
Still, I’m assuming that we are still going to lose the stream at some point…?
I did the same and Tune In Radio is working again on my iPhone.
Ditto above comments – TuneIn is still working fine on my Andriod phone. I only tried it using WiFi, did not try it using 3G, and it was down until ~6 AM.
Also, this link still seems to stream fine on the webz:
I also heartily recommend Audacity. I have no trouble using it to record a small segment here and there when I have to step away from my desk RIGHT when they are starting a segment I’m really interested in.
I stream The Ticket at work by clicking the Listen Now link from
I stream on my phone using FStream.
The only time I can’t hear it is when they are having problems and the stream is busted, or is doing the crap that was happening last week on occasion. But for the most part, they work perfectly.
Now, since I’m not in the business of taking this stream and recording it and making magic with it, I don’t know what yall need to do. But if it is simply an issue with obtaining a stream that has audio, then this information should be plenty.
Stay hard, unticket.
By the way, our birthday is the same day, so you guys can’t die. That will make my birthdays far too sad to bear.
P1Mike: The link in my post above is a direct link to just a minimal player that you can open in a tab and not have it pop-up in another window. Plus it just starts playing and you don’t get that startup commercial unlike using the Listen Now link on the website.
Thanks for pointing that out about your link. I hate the commercial. With the stream delay, I’m usually able to not miss anything from having to walk from the car to my work pc. Without the commercial, then I’m certain not to miss it.
Guys, the specific streamer or player means nothing. The type of internet connection doesn’t either.
There is only one place on the internet where the stream comes(came) from. Until today that was a publicly accessible port. Starting today, that’s changed. It’s no longer publicly accessible.
I record the stream every day at home. I haven’t checked the stream today, but I trust DP and the boys. If it’s gone, the only way to listen the ticket is either live over the air, or live through iheart. There is no way to record and save off audio.
This sucks for me. I can’t listen live, and I haven’t missed a second of 5:30 – 7:00 for over two years. I guess Cumulus just wants me to continue on without them.
DP, please contact me by email if you find a hint of how to keep recording and I’ll do likewise.
This is the new URL
Jake is back. Remove that from the petition.
I guess you know how to quit me……….your work here will live on in infamy
For those that record off of the stream, surely there is a way to stream off of iheartradio and then use and external application to record the audio. If nothing else, you could run an audio out cable to another device and record there, yes?
I’d be more likely to set a jambox in front of my Amberola and listen to the wax cylinder later.
Not saying it’s ideal, but it’s better than nothing…
I record at work. I keep a stream window open all day, run audio cable (3.5 mm) from headphone jack of computer to mic input on digital recorder and that’s it. Oh, and then I hit record.
If you can hear it, you can record it:
BTW, I created an .MOV file that I use to listen to the Ticket stream in iTunes. It has worked for me for several years. I prefer this to using a browser for many reason, but primarily because a have a habit of closing unused windows and kept closing the stream window. If you want the file, download it here and just drop it in iTunes. Not sure how iHeart will affect this though…. This stream does not play using AirPlay, so I use AirFoil to stream to Airplay devices.
I should add that a curious byproduct of this is that it works kind of like a DVR. I have hit pause in, iTunes, and then hit play the next day, and it started played the audio from the point where I stopped it 20 hours earlier… So if you are listening to a great segment, but need to rush to a meeting, just hit pause and you won;t miss a thing….
@theunticket You must buy the little Ticket. Boot Cumulus, bring back Greggo, and Grubes. Rule the World once more!
F greggo.
If you have a Mac, this utility is fantastic. WireTap Anywhere from Ambrosia Software:
Screamer Radio still works. I just recorded a little bit of the top 10 and it still seems to work fine. In the morning I’ll start the stream, hit record, leave for work and then stop the stream when I get home from work. Occasionally the recording will stop if something goes goofy with the stream, or if I have ISP fail. But for the most part I have about a 650 – 700 mb, sweet, clean bundle of Ticket goodness to enjoy in the evenings.
If there’s going to be a lull in audio posts, some of us who have gone underground can step up and post classic audio we have been too lazy to do.
Other than that, maybe a touching off-mic tribute to TuneIn Radio.
No unticket! The P1’S here in Austin need you! Dont Go!
my empty life will be emptier(?) without the unticket
I just used The Google and typed into the window box on the screen “record iheart radio.” Came up with this:
Might be helpful. I’ll fool around with it later and report back with my findings, or I’ll just get drunk and vomit myself to sleep.
lots of good suggestions here but for anyone wishing to record all of the ticket, i do so pretty easily with mplayer. as of right now, you can still use mplayer to directly access the stream at mms:// . you can just dump that to a file & use any encoder to make into an mp3. i had a few years worth of history but i lost it when i had a hd failure. very easy to set up if anyone has a linux box.
Tune in has been working for me on Android 3G (Sprint) last half of the day today. I will try it all day tomorrow and report back.
This works too. I use VLC to record/play.
Lots of commercials broadcasting over segments so far this morning.
matma, thanks for that MP3 stream… That opens up in iTunes, which is the way I prefer to listen… I can handle some dialing commercials…. Where did you find that link?
It’s one of the streams from the WunderRadio iOS app.
is it down for everyone now? is this forever?
DP any way to record now?
The stream was pretty strong today on Sprint 3G android. The commercials seem to play over each other but I can deal with that as long as I can listen all day.
I built my own stream using a Sangean HDT-1x hd radio tuner. It has a digital optical output that will stream the audio in raw PCM. It’s trivial to capture that using a cheep sound card (I use an old Mac mini). Any HD radio with an optical output would work.
They screw up the hd feed from time to time, but not nearly as often as the Internet stream. In those cases, I have an ir blaster setup that I use to fail it over to 104.1.
DP, Im not tech savvy. Are you still not able to post archives? You were down for a few days due to Iheart switch. Then, some on Jun6-7. WTDS website is able to post. Why can’t you do what they do, but for entire shows?
Woke up this morning and my iTunes stream was broken. Searched around and found a new one that works for anyone interested:
actually just use this link: