BTW, this event is now sold out…
I just bought my tickets for the event and let me go on a little rant here.
I have no problem paying for a Ticket event. Hell, they have given us enough free stuff over the years. But as usual again, Ticketmaster has to eff up a good thing.
$18.85 worth of charges? “CONVENIENCE?” What convenience? That I have to pay you even more to process my ticket order? That I have the option to pay you $2.50 just to PRINT MY effing tickets? OR MORE if I want to get ANY kind of tracking on my order.
Notice I chose the “standard mail” option. Its free, but you know what you get? A plain white envelope that “should” arrive within 48 hours of the event. I have ordered this way before and the envelope is extremely easy to overlook. Just in case, Ticketmaster also offers you insurance. Insurance so if your tickets don’t make it to you, like a good friend, they have your back.
They are offering you insurance against the possibility that THEY are going to screw something up.
Since they are the only effing “ticket” in town, it is your only choice for getting tickets.
We have the ability to order stuff from an online retailer and get free shipping. I have never ordered ANYTHING online and been charged a convenience charge. Hey, you want to get that cool new digital camera from Amazon? I don’t see Amazon charging you an extra 18+ dollars as a convenience/order processing charge. Ticketmaster is like the valet in the bathroom, except YOU HAVE TO PAY Ticketmaster.
Can anyone explain to me HOW IN THE WORLD Ticketmaster gets away with this?
The phone lines are open.
Ticketmaster has to be considered legalized scalping. Why don’t they get prosecuted? I hate Ticketmaster and if given the choice, will gladly go buy at the window. Unfortunately, that option isn’t always available, but should be.
I expect The Ticket to hand out drink tickets, one or two per person, to make up for this a$$hattery.
You’re conveniently paying them more than you really have to.
That sucks. You basically paid for a 3rd ticket.
Ticketmaster should give us the Inside the ticket book for all their bullshit charges!
Ticketmaster has been doing this for years. 2×100 dollar coldplay tickets =260
I will buy them from u for double the price. email is
What? Are they sold out already? Ah, yes I say checking the Ticket homepage. Sold out. Think I will be holding on to mine.