Lots of little ones or one big one?
While on with the Hardline yesterday, Craig Miller asked a question that deserves to be answered by more than just Corby and Mike:
“In all seriousness, how many times a day do you fart?”
Junior mused that he might let fly approximately 100 times a day. I myself put it in the 30-50 range, unless I have had a chocolate muffin for breakfast. Those babies put a 2x multiplier on my daily count.
So, how about you? How many times a day do you “make it rain”?
I’m like fart-clockwork everyday…with the biggest and best occurring first thing in the morning. As I go downstairs to fetch my coffee, I drop a MOAB to start the day off right. After that, I’d say I mix in another 20 or so minimum unless I’m hungover. Then, all bets are off. Trying to count them would be like trying to count to infinity.
20, maybe 30 at the most.